Two travelers walk through an airport

2 club opener bridge. Would also rebid 3 ♣ and not 4 ♠ with West hand.

2 club opener bridge 2♣ openings are typically strong and artificial, showing 22+ points (balanced), or in the neighborhood of 19+ points for distributional hands. 2NT 'Kokish relay' shows 22-24 points and a balanced hand and the auction continues with Stayman and Texas 3NT Over 3TR/ ♦, this shows 22-24 points and a balanced hand. The two club opener is usually about 11 to 15 points with at least 6 clubs, or 5 clubs with a side 4-card major . I am also an ACBL accredited Bridge teacher and teach 2 club openings cover several types of hand: balanced hands with at least 22-23HCP (super NT), third-zone one-suiter hands with a strong suit of at least 6 cards, fourth-zone hands with a very strong 5-card major (minimum ace king queen x x). I haven't been able to find anything on internet, and the people I play with just play by the seat of their pants. ♠A642 ♥T5 ♦Q75 ♣Q752 (Opener 2nd bid is ♥) 6. But with such wide differences in trump quality, playing tricks and defensive strength among these hands, a 2S rebid doesn't begin to give partner a good picture. 2. 3 shows the ace or king of clubs. Either a strong forcing one club opener or a relay system over a strong 2 ♣. Bridge Tutorial - Opening Strong 2's Acol Lesson 18 Opening 2 ♣. 2♣ – 2 ♦ – stop 3♠ would show a 9 playing trick hand in spadesthis would set the suit), and subsequent bids from responder are either cue bids (if opener jumps it is a cue and an agreement that there could be slam on) or a Opener's rebid with a balanced hand (4-3-3-3, 4-4-3-2 or 5-3-3-2 distribution) Your first choice with a balanced hand is to open 1NT or 2NT to show your pattern and point-count all in one bid. Opener with a balanced hand should bid 2N, and systems are on. This makes it riskier to force game, but also allows the immediate 2NT rebid to be tightened to 22-23 points. As with most Bridge rules, there is an exception to the 22+ point requirement. But it does require some planning compared to more natural 1NT/1 of a suit openings. Both decisions anticipate opponent competition. Posted 2021-May-21, 17:58. My question is whether this treatment holds at all levels of interference. 2 Balanced hands with 5 hearts should rebid 2NT, either directly or indirectly. In basic beginning bridge 2 is not forcing because the notrump bidder has limited their hand, so BTW, the same logic applies to interfering over big 1 ♣ openers. The partnership reaches the 3-level faster than if playing limit raises; this "fast" arrival may preempt the opponents. Opening these suits at the level of 2 shows less points then a 2 Club bid, usually 17-22 HCP better than 8 or 9 playing tricks but not enough for 2♣. The 2 club opening bid: Shows extra values beyond a normal 1-level opening hand Bid either 2 diamonds, a negative artificial bid showing 0-7 points and no higher than game interest, or 2 Spades (with 5 card spades), 2 Hearts(with 5 card hearts) or 2NT showing 9+ plus points, possible slam interest in response to a strong 2 Club opening bid. A forcing bid, opener must bid again. 2 Clubs openning is one tour, 2 Diamonds openning is a game forcing. The 1N response apparently denied 4+ spades, so how could partner be bidding them now? As a result, good players decided that 2!S was artificial. A4 H. If opener bids, it is forcing to 2NT or 3 of opener's suit. Bust being defined as 0-3 hcp without a King. p. If opener has the balanced NT hand, he'll be forced to bid NT (responder will never be able to do so). The artificial forcing 2♣ opening is used for both strong balanced hands and strong unbalanced hands. With this scheme in mind, the original two-club opener has a wider range of options available after 2C / 2? / P / P or 2C / 2? / X– she can double and/or cue-bid. 2N - 3C; Bridge Winners Bridge Club Games. He bids the singleton. Then, West rebids 2 to show his 5-carded suit. An opening bid of 2♣ is an artificial opening which shows a strong, almost game-forcing hand of 22 or more points (or slightly less with a long suit). It's a partscore contract in duplicate bridge, but becomes a game contract if redoubled. The Law of Total Tricks (also popularized by Marty Bergen) says that a pair should usually bid up to the 3-level when Play Bridge now and practice your Ace Asking. Responder typically has a four-card major suit and he wants to find out if opener has four cards to match. Redouble shows good clubs and willingness to play, generally five clubs. The auction works better after that. 3 shows a minimum hand with no side suit features. K J 9 7 5 J 9 6 4 7 5 You have no spade support, show your 5-card heart suit. Partner would now be expected to bid any ace or king to assist in the decision for a slam. ) he bids his suit at the two level. In this system 2 weak opennings are applied for major suits. a jump rebid of 3NT), this shows 25-27 Opener has shown a 4441 two loser hand short in clubs and nine Blue Club controls (A=2 K=1). — 2NT = a balanced 8 HCP. The opener's rebid after a a positive suit response (2CO/ ♠ or 3TR/ ♦. If Strong two bids are played Bridge Lesson 2 Review of Basic Bidding – 2 Practice Boards • Now you know Stayman better than some of our club players! Practice Board: Board 1 • 15-17 points with balanced hand: open 1NT • 4 card major and 8+ points: respond 2♣to ask opener to bid a 4 card major if she has one, or 2♦if she doesn’t • If there’s no fit However, it will be difficult to stop low here, because opener's hand really isn't a strong 2 ♣ opening. 2 Clubs openning is used for unbalanced hands with at least 20 HCP and 2 Diamonds openning is used for very strong hands with 23+ HCP in any distribution. Examples of a Two Club opener. Some advice: Open 2 clubs if you hold the number of tricks for game minus 1 Knowing when your shape is 4-3-4-2 versus 4-2-6-1 will leave opener much better placed if he must decide whether to bid 3NT or look, instead, for game in diamonds. Stayman and The Strong Two Club Opener¶ What Hands Do We Open Two Clubs?¶ An opening bid of two clubs is the strongest possible opening bid, showing 22 or more points if the hand is balanced. Opener can jump the bidding to show even stronger hands (but not strong enough for a 2 ♦ opening) (e. BIDDING TIPS . The two-club opening is an artificial bid — it does not suggest a real club suit — and it is forcing. Opener's reopening double is then always big and balanced, and a minor suit natural and strong. A tutorial that I'm working through says that a bid of 2H over 1S opening should show 5 hearts. This is the same as for the responder. (This is the system in the ABCL teaching manual the last time I looked). Responding to an Opening Bid. If responder has a fit (at least three cards) he can now apply LTC to After the 2 waiting bid, opener's rebids (other than in notrump) are a one-round force. So you'll need to overcall at the 3 level if you're long in clubs. What is the reason for that exception? It seems to me that it would reduce the This video is about the 2 club Opening Club support: Bid your strength if you can, otherwise pass or double. However, when opener begins with a 2 Notrump bid showing 20-21 point, subsequent passes are not forcing. West opens 2, East makes 2 negative (or waiting) response. In all other cases he has (at least) 5 clubs and 4 of the bid suit. Opening Strong 2 Clubs: 21. 2 ♥ would show a five card suit. For example, 2 : 2 : 3 sets spades as trumps and asks responder to bid the In June of 2009 I led (more or less) a discussion about when to open 2 clubs. South. Transfers after a 2C Opening from Bridge World 1. Responses To Takeout Doubles: 18. ♠T8 T973 82 ♣Q9653 (Opener 2nd Here you have two suits (clubs and spades). All other responses indicate the 2♦* Artificial Game Forcing – Shows at least an Ace, King, or two Queens. typically as weak two-bids. the 2NT opener) must bid the next suit up, 3 ♥ or 3 ♠. Artificial, "negative" or "waiting". J 8 4 2 Raise to 4S. But nine times out of ten, the 2C opener’s best move is simply An easy to use Bridge learning system for beginners and improvers with Bridge games against the computer of live on the Internet. 2♣ – 2 ♦ – stop 3♠ would show a 9 playing trick hand in spadesthis would set the suit), and subsequent bids from responder are either cue bids (if opener jumps it is a cue and an agreement that there could be slam on) or a Opener needs to hear from you before he can tell you more about his hand. Responding to a Strong 2 Club An initial response of 2 ♠ or 2 ♦ followed by 3NT promises some high cards. It shows 23+ high card points, and a promise to rebid with more information: r ebid with No Trumps to show a good balanced hand, or bid a suit at the next Responding to a Strong 2 Club Opening If your partner opens 2 ♣ , you can warn partner that you have a weak hand by responding 2 ♦ which shows 0-7 TP. Opener is NOT running away from a short club. If opener rebids 2NT after a 2 response (showing 22–24 points), the same responses are used as over a 2NT opening: When opener has near-game values such as a strong 2 Club opener showing 22+ points, many play a subsequent pass is a Forcing Bid; lacking a better bid, responder can double to keep the auction alive. If responder bids 2H and opener has hearts, they can pass and often get a good board playing at the 2-level where those playing 2D=Waiting, where it showed weakness, ended up at the 3-level going down one. A rebid of 2H by opener after two clubs and responder's 2D waiting bid shows one of two types of hands; responder is forced to "puppet" to 2S, allowing opener to provide a further description: After opener bids 1, 2, or 3 Notrump, the responder announces "transfer" to inform the opponents that the responder's bid is artificial and conventional. This page is a The point spread of the 2♣ hand is defined on opener’s rebid as follows: See also Chapter Three – Distribution points. With a good six The Benji 2 Club Opening Bid Details of the 2♣ Bid you open with the 2♣ bid. The opener may or may not have a five card minor. o bid 2 of a Major if he has a good 5 or 6 card suit, or o bid 2NT* with a strong hand, (overcaller bids the suit) • 2♦* shows both majors (usually 5-5 – some play it 5-4) • 2♥*shows hearts and a minor (usually 5-5 – some play it 5-4) • 2♠* shows spades and a minor (usually 5-5 – some play it 5-4) • 2NT* shows both minor at Bridge Tips — Bidding . Kokish originally called his contraption "Birthright", although it is more popularly known as the Kokish Relay. 3 of a major or higher suit response - 7+ card suit usually not better QJxxxxx(x. Bobby Wolff—Bidding 2 should show good diamonds and at best a 1/2 club stop, for instance Qxx and, of course, no four-card major. Four Diamonds, though, is natural. Minor suit rebids show different types of 5-4 hands, while the majors and 3NT all show 5-5 length (or better). Rodwell has come up with an idea that he uses with his precision 1♣ openers that are two suiters. Openers rebid of 2NT will usually reveal that it is the balanced or semi-balanced shape. In order to rectify this some partners uses 2 response to 2 An easy to use Bridge learning system for beginners and improvers with Bridge games against the computer of live on the Internet. Opener is trying to get to game with a big hand. The bidding: W 2 ♣, N p, E 2 ♦, S 2 ♥ W 2 ♠ N 3 ♥ E 4 ♠ S 5 ♣ W p N 6 ♣ E double (opening lead ♦ A for 6 ♣ X+1). (a simulated 8-10WP) and 2-3 card Club support show a 15% debt between 2 and 3m ( 94-79) with a 20% chance of making 4M while simulations having 8-10HCP have a 21% debt After the forcing 1NT response, since opener can be certain of at least two-card support for his Major, he needs to protect against a spade-club misfit by rebidding 2 ♣ over 1NT even with only two clubs. 5 points + 2 points for length (but the jack is probably useless). You look at xxx Axxx Qx xxxx and its now your call These are rare auctions involving a major memory overhead. 2, 2, and 2 are normal responses to Stayman. e. For pairs that play two diamonds as other than standard precision, two clubs as guaranteeing six, and five card majors, this could guarantee as few as zero diamonds . With 22 high-card points, start with 2♣. That means that you need to respond 1 heart after partner’s 1 club opener even with a crummy hand like this: Bridge World Standard by The Bridge World A natural 2/1 system devised over the years by The Bridge World. ty Responding to a Weak 2 opening bid; Openers Rebids. You started by bidding 2♣. The responses after a 2 Club opening bid are straight forward. AK764. With the exception of the artificial 2, all other responses are natural and game-forcing. 1 club bid simply means that the opener has 13 high card points. Other suits. (very old) defense to 1NT in which a 2 overcall shows 12-14 points and 3+ clubs. The usual approach was to play that it shows a “serious” raise of clubs, while a direct 3!C is a “courtesy” raise. For instance, while playing Rubber Bridge one dishonest Some at my local club treat the 1C opener as semi forcing (responder passes garbage with at least 4, preferably 5 clubs) but otherwise always responds with 1D being natural/negative. Fits should be announced. In order to rectify this some partners uses 2 response to 2 2025 Club Programme 2023 AGM Minutes 2021 HBC Constitution Conduct and Etiquette - Law 74 NZ Bridge Systems Card Slow Play Guidelines - [Please note, NOT how to play slow!] 2 Club opener - "Game Force - Rule of 29" This is my 1st post on this website. If the 1NT opener bids a major you don't have (the auction goes 1NT - 2C - 2H, and you hold 4 spades): Make your natural notrump bid -- 3NT if you have at least 10 points; 2NT if you have 8-9 points. Responding to a Strong 2 Club This convention is alertable under EBU regulations. If your partner opens two clubs, you cannot pass — even with no points. Here E-W have a good defence in club suit and if bidding goes . Rather than simply respond, I asked my readers to select the appropriate opening bid. the camp is committed to reaching game . However, we can use a 2 bid to transfer to 3 of a minor. ♠K972 AJ T932 ♣QJ6 (Open 2nd bid is NT) 9. 84 D. The hands were: Hand One: KQ 432 Q AQ 32 AKT Hand Two: AQxxx AKT 2 AQJ 2 I got a lot of varied responses. 4+ points without a four card major – bid 3NT. As an ACBL Bridge Director, I manage and supervise two bridge clubs. (3 NT / 4 ♥ / 4 ♠ / 5 ♦ / 5 ♣). an ace or king, by bidding that suit at the three level. You should (2 being Stayman and 2 being a transfer to hearts). Microsoft Word - Lesson 15 - 2 Club Opening Handout Author: janeh Created Date: 2/1/2022 1:57:07 PM Two clubs (2♣) is a bid in bridge which specifies a contract for the partnership to take 8 tricks with ♣ as the trump suit. 4+ points with a four card major – bid 3♣ Stayman to try to find a 4-4 major fit (partner responds 3 ♦ without a 4-card major or 3NT with both. Some people like to reserve the 2 overcall over a weak 1NT to show at least two good 4-card suits, using either Landy (Majors) or DONT. a. Clearly, this is not a new topic on Bridge Winners but I'm unaware of any polling questions. " You have a solid, playable standalone suit (spades), 19 points in high cards, and at least 24-25, counting your void and sixth spade. As usual, from Meckwell it is quite logical. And he should not rebid his Major unless he is willing to play opposite Here is a sensible structure from "Bridge Conventions in Depth" by Matt and Pam Granovetter. It is an artificial bid and you don’t Step Responses to 2. — 2 , 2 , 3 , 3 = natural and game forcing. You should have 5+ clubs and 10-12 SP for 3§, 13-14 for 4§ and 15+ for 5§. If partner bids 2 ♦ (as expected), with ten sure tricks jump to 3 ♥ (committing the partnership to a heart game). Sam Stayman's tournament partner George Rapee introduced the artificial 2 Club response to partner's 1 Notrump opener. It shows 23+ TP and is forcing to game. A 2 opening requires 23 points or more. The good news is, if you are playing just one session of bridge, this is a vast underdog to ever come up, so don't waste too much time the 2 Club opener may or may not meet the Very Strong definition - which is in the Convention Charts, not in the Alert Procedures. Redouble shows 5 (or 4 good) clubs and no 4-card major. A response of 2 NT shows 10 to 12 HCP (11-12 if a jump) with a stopper in the enemy suit. waits for the rebid of the opener 8+ HCP At least 5 cards After a 2 club opener, we can only stop short of game in only 3 cases: a. SCUM A defense to 1NT that shows two-suiters by Shape Open 1 club, intending to bid 1 no trump at your next turn. 2 Club Opening Bid: 2 Clubs shows 8+ Quick Tricks in an unspecified suit or 21-22 HCP or 25-26 HCP and a balanced hand. An opening bid of 1 diamond will generally promise a five card diamond suit. It asks responder to describe his hand further. Partner needed at least 12-13 points to start the bidding, but you need only 6 points to bid back to him. Responses To 2NT: 20. 1§ 1© 2©) Shows a very strong hand (13+ SP at the 3-level, 15+ SP at the 4-level) with 5+ club support and good control of opponent's suit. ak7 aj4 kqj3 kq8 balanced 23 h. The negative responses over 2 Clubs and 2 Diamonds openings are 2 Diamonds and 2 Hearts respectively. STRONG 2-CLUB BID ABOUT THE DEALS You may be either Opener or Responder, but you will always be in the South position. g. What’s Standard? by David Lindop The 2♣ Opening and Responses POSITIVE RESPONSE TO 2♣ With about 8 or more points: • 2♥, 2♠, 3♣, or 3♦ shows a good five As a fairly new player of Bridge, I am curious what people think about control-showing responses to strong 2!c openers as an alternative to any of the 2!d waiting bid systems and their various forms. Opening 2 Club Bid -“Game Force ?” The definition of Game Force bids was updated in June 2020. Responding to the Bid of Two Clubs By Neil H. At the least, he has a three-suiter (4441). ” You now bid 2♠ to show your second suit. This lesson explains the requirements to While bridge clubs do not customarily hang the bridge rules of etiquette on the wall-although perhaps they should- duplicate bridge does have its own unique rules of etiquette. Spend time on the 3 /3 rebid to show a maximum hand as these are artificial bids – new concept • The responses and rebids for the 2 opener are basically the same as for 2 – a raise to the 3-level is always pre-emptive and only a jump bid to 3 of the other major is invitational to game ie 2 - 3 NB: 2 - 3 is 1 If you prefer, 2NT can be eased to 24+ points. You can do that only when you have exactly 15-17 points (1NT) or 20-22 (2NT). As others have pointed out, that's only 1 (slight) negative; on the positive side, you have 4 aces (which are undervalued by the 4-3-2-1 point count system), 2 tens (ditto), and only one spot card under an 8. A 4441 strong inclusion Opener’s Response to Forcing No Trump; Responder Rebids After Forcing No Trump; Semi-forcing No Trump; LIMIT RAISES. Title: Microsoft PowerPoint - Opening and Responding to 2 Clubs Author: Tony Created Date: 5/4/2019 4:17:05 PM Stayman is a bridge convention used for locating a 4-4 major suit fit after partner opens 1NT. Opening at the level of 2 indicates to your partner that you have a very strong hand. The primary benefits of Bergen raises are that: Opener receives more detailed information than if playing standard limit raises. Is this penalty or takeout? Clearly the answers depend on partnership agreement. North. As in 2-way checkback Stayman. It is most frequently used when responder has 3+ card support. Forcing. If the opponents interfere, we may double the opponents instead of bidding game c. If opener has opened the bidding with 2♣ and, over partner’s 2♦ relay bid, has rebid 2NT he is showing a balanced hand of 23-24 points. 2: 2NT 3. When opener did bid a major suit after 1 Club - 1 Diamond, responder cannot have 4-card support unless he has Delhi Bridge Association Newsletter Vol. The strength is announced by partner. The two diamond opener is typically 3-suited, limited and short Opening 2♠, 2♥ and 2♦. Opener is asked to show a feature in a side suit, i. The opening bid of 2 ♦ is game-forcing. Most are opening 17+ hands and if you can get the bidding at or above 2 ♣ before opener rebids, they are trying to bid a much wider range of hands in the bidding space that "strong" 2 ♣ openers normally use. Whereas all other bids at the 2 level only promise 4 card support. This means you don't play embarrassing 3=2 fits at the cost of making the auction after 1C-1D a little murky (which they don't give enough thought to) ARTIFICIAL STRONG TWO CLUB OPENING (Part 1) In nineties lot of people who played duplicate bridge in Delhi were playing either Precision system or Strong Club with semi strong Diamond. (Turns out my fear was well-grounded -- I asked for 7 answers but I was red-flagged that I must have more than two answers); so, no poll unless someone wants to rework this post. ACOL STRONG 2’S ‘Strong two’ bids have largely been superseded by ‘weak two’ bids (either Benjaminised, Multi, or Lucas variations), but many average club players still prefer the traditional method, and these are also best taught to beginners. Now my probability space is more restricted, 5 ♣ up to 7 ♣, and I'm more likely to guess right. 2 ♣ opening is an artificial bid. Down Fast - Up - Top) BR 16. If you are opening 2 , 2 or 2 as a natural, strong Acol Two, you can [agree to] play them whatever strength you want, no restrictions. ) nothing else in hand-After the 2 ♦ response and opener's rebid is a suit cheapest suit - second Stayman Convention - One of the most popular conventions used by Bridge players, using a 2C response to partner's 1 Notrump or 2 Notrump opening bid to locate a major suit fit. Over 2CO/ ♠ (i. Oswald Jacoby in the 2 - AQ10875 AQ5 A AQJ 3 - AQJ10976 6 AK AK4 4 - AKQ109832 Void AQ5 A8 5 - AKQJ954 2 AQJ10 7. I also like the majors to be 6 card. A 2NT opening is 22-23. Bridge experts have adopted a new approach to handling strong balanced hands facing a 1M opening, raising since responder frequently holds only 2-3 clubs. Opener's Rebid Meaning; 3: Singleton or void in clubs. The standard way to start the description all five hands is to open 2C, then rebid 2S. The discussion centered around 2 hands sent to me by a reader. . Is this penalty or takeout? Suppose responder passes and the bidding comes back to opener who now doubles . 2NT - Forces 3 Clubs. Opener: 2 hearts. Note that without the 2 bid East would be too weak for 2 and should respond 1 NT. 2 - Responses to a 2 Club Opening bid. Last updated: Monday, 21st June 2021 . Any invitation begins with 2 Clubs. When your partner opens the bidding, you need to keep the bidding open for her if you have at least 6 points. If 2 is overcalled, opener can double for penalty or show a 4-card major at the When Edgar Kaplan famously noted, ‘we lost the club suit in the 1950’s’, he was referring to the proliferation of artificial 2 ♣ bids that served as asking bids in a constructive auction, 2 ♣ Stayman being the chief example. Responder: 2 spades. 3 Issue 11 – April 2006 Page 2 of 12 (min 2 cards in Club). If your second suit is 2 — 2 = conventional, could be “waiting” with a good hand not suited to a positive response. , but read more in 2 -2NT rebid showing a strong 3 suiter Years ago playing in our Saturday bridge tournament, I came across a pair who were playing one major 2♦ = Min hand (upto 14hcp, denies other major) 2♠ = GF relay, opener to describe his hand 2♥ = 4-card Other major (♠), any strength 2N = Natural, forcing with ♣ suit 3N = 5-3-3-2 hand, 2 clubs, 15-17 hcp 4♦ = splinter, 4-card Hi All - This week we look at how we communicate after partner opens a strong 2C and the opponents interfere in our auction. The opener has 3 ♠ and so can happily bid 4 ♠ 's knowing that they have a fit. A 2 response to 1NT shows 6+ cards in clubs or diamonds and a very weak hand. ) What follow is a paste from a This opening bid is a distinctive feature of Benjamin Twos, closely resembling the strong two clubs convention. The “double pass inversion” he calls it. Of course, opener can rebid game or make another strong action to show opening values. This is invitational but nonforcing. Since this bid is artificial and does not say anything about clubs, it is absolutely forcing. 9 8 Bid 3H. PREVIOUS LESSON - Strong 2 Club Opening NEXT LESSON - Responding to a Weak 2 Opening Beginner Bridge Lessons - Opening Strong 2 Bids Acol Lesson 19 Anyone who has played precision or any sort of system with a natural 2!C opening knows it has its plusses and its drawbacks. A response of 2 Diamond reveals that a Slam contract is unlikely, but bidding must continue until a suitable Game contract has been reached. Now responder will bid the cheapest minor (in this case 3) that he is REAL negative Note: As you noticed in our system 2 is first negative bid and cheapest minor after opener's response is second negative bid. : 3: If are trumps, then this rebid shows 16+ points with slam interest. Opener rebids 2 NT (responder may pass) b. In traditional Acol, you need either 23 HCP or five quick tricks in a powerful game I've been looking for a method after 2!C-2!H bust. With no Ace responder merely bids opener’s suit. Responder should then bid 3NT). At least a five-card suit and 8 points. In this situation we want to have a way to reach the best game, penalize the opponents when we have a trump stack, give partner a chance to penalize the opponents, and go for +200, +300, or +500 (or more!) when we do not have a game. See Details Jargon: Chicago Convention - A illegal (tongue-in-cheek) convention used against one's opponents to claim a fouled hand. 2 ♥, 2 ♠ - shows 5+ cards to 2 honors and at least 1 1/2 QTs 2 NT - undefined as of now 3 ♣, 3 ♦ - shows 5+ cards to 2 of top 3 honors and at least 2 QTs. We need specific help from partner, and starting with 2 ♣ You can open 2 clubs. It means that opener’s partner can use any of the usual to qualify for a forcing 2 club opening bid. Responder ♠ Q 10 2 ♥ A 7 3 ♦ – ♣ A K Q J 10 7 3. The NZB have been asked a number of times to clarify what is meant by this. That said, this is not a forward-going bid. Continuations After Positive Responses¶ After any positive response to 2♣, we are in a game-forcing auction. Kokish Relay - An refinement to opener's responses after a strong 2C opener. Timm Playing 2/1 with a strong 15-17 1NT bid where 2NT=20-21; a common practice is to open the what follows is a transfer system suggested in Bridge World. This is forcing. Partner must keep bidding until West was dealer and everyone passed to South. Less than a 2♦ bid. Disclosure An Acol Two bid is, in the words of Terence Reese a hand ‘of power and quality’ – for Reese it Checkback Stayman over 1 Notrump (Bridge Convention) Checkback Stayman - A method similar to the New Minor Forcing convention for responder to determine if opener is holding a 4-card major or 3-cards in responders bid suit. " Opener ’s rebids follow ing 2♥, 2 ♠, 3 ♣, 3 ♦ by Responder Responder bids 2 ♥ - shows a lack of an A or K. This is an artificial bid meaning not related to Openers club suit holding, responder must make sure to keep the bidding going for at least 1 round so that opener may more accurately describe his hand. If responder makes a negative response, 0-3 points : bid 2 ♦; 4-6 points : bid 2 ♥; 7-9 points : bid 2♠; 10-12 points : bid 2NT (and so on) The 2 ♦ WAITING Response method uses these responses: 0-7 points : bid 2 ♦; 7+ points : bid a 5-card suit, 2 ♥, 2♠, 3♣ or 3 ♦; 7+ points : bid 2NT with no 5-card suit; Opener will then use these guidelines for his second bid: Weak takeout (5 card suit except for club suit and less than 3 points,) Pass (you are on your own partner) Responding to the weak 2 level bids Partner opens 2♥ or 2♠( 6-10 points – 6 card suit) Your strong responses to partner’s weak 2 bid are; Bid a new suit usually indicates responder has strong hand (17+) and no support for opener A jump rebid (for example 2 : 2 : 3 ) sets that suit as trumps and asks responder to bid any Ace. Opponent doubles, partner bids 1 diamond. Opener should not rebid 2 ♦ without two more diamonds than clubs. Usually these bids show a good suit, partner is not forced to bid game, but depending on partners cards and point count decides whether to end in part-game, game or What should your HCP requirements be for a 2 opener? Again, with a balanced hand, there is no decision. Opener: 2 clubs (opener had to bid something here) Responder: 2 spades (That's another new suit) Opener: must bid again . Opener must bid a four-card (or five-card) major suit if he has one. Opener Rebids : 6. A defining feature of the 2 club "strong two" is that it makes the responder the "captain" of the partnership. With your 16 points use Blackwood 4NT to Ace ask Many of partner's bids will be quantitative and it's hard to evaluate the response to a NT opener when you deviate. The 2NT rebid is not forcing. However after only limited experience, players should consider changing to the weaker actual sequence of the bidding process in which they become a part, the position at the bridge table of the Players who are using them, and the possible presence of any conventions which might be An Opener’s Re-Bid of 2-NT After Previously Opening “2C” = 23-24 HCP’s, an evenly balanced hand, slightly stronger than an opening bid of The 2 response is forcing one round, and responder passes when opener shows a minimum opening with 6+ spades. Opener must bid 3 and responder will pass if his suit is clubs or bid 3 if his suit is diamonds. Playing this approach, the conventional responses to 2are as follows. They were first introduced by Mr. This particular bid says nothing about "clubs. You open 1 NT, opponent bids 2 hearts, 2 spades is to play Bidding Standard American, and opening a "strong" two clubs (typically 22 HCPs and a six card suit), I like to hear responses of 2 diamonds (0-8 points, no more than game interest), or 2NT (9+ plus points, possible slam interest). Apologies if the question is a bit simple for this forum but I couldn't find a Novice's Forum. : 3: Singleton or void in diamonds. Could open 2 ♣ to begin with, but not essential. There are a number of different Acol and modern Standard American use 2♣ as an artificial opening bid, showing a very strong hand, sufficient to force to game if the hand is unbalanced. usually 4 clubs and 4+ diamonds Usually if opener breaks the Systems are on. This convention was devised by bridge players in the past decades to allow the responder, The level of high card points is the main feature and the Step Responses are narrowed in order that the opener can better estimate the power of the hand held by the partner. Openers Rebid in a Suit; Rebidding NoTrumps; Partnerships sometimes over time develop different agreements on their responses to a strong 2 Club opening bid. While responder's 2 Club bid still shows 10-11 points, opener's rebids are reversed from traditional Drury; using Reverse Drury, rebidding 2 of opener's major suit shows a weak hand (fast denies, slow shows). Bridge Conventions N-Z: Weak 2 Bid, Stayman Convention, Roman Keycard Blackwood, SAYC, Splinter Bid, Two Over One and more. With solid partnership agreements, the 2 club opener is an extremely powerful tool. 0- Opener Rebids 1. Responder Suit Bids: 7. North is the The Two Club opening bid is the strongest bid you can make. Opener now knows immediately whether or not there is game/slam or just a partscore. 3 Clubs or 3 Diamonds – These 2 bid are invitational to game, typically to 3 NT. Responses to Two Clubs. Comments: The 2 ♠ bid tells opener that responder has 8+ HCP and a 5 card ♠ suit. Shape: An overcall against any NT opening (strong or weak) promises either a 6+ card suitor at least 5-4 in two suits. Opener bids 2 NT with 22+ HCP but is NOT forcing to game. Q 8 7 5 10 3 J 7 5 With excellent support jump bid opener's suit. 5. Would also rebid 3 ♣ and not 4 ♠ with West hand. ♠2 Q764 QT92 ♣J976 (Opener 2nd bid is ♠,3rd bid is♦) 8. Investigating Minor-Suit Contracts There are two other possible reasons why you can bid Checkback Two Clubs: because you are interested in game or slam in a minor. Bidding 4 next would show a void. In the modern era the natural 2 ♣ bid has come into vogue as an overcall. The responder then passes this. If your partner opens 2♣, you can warn partner that you have a weak hand by With: Q107 A76 AQ6 KJ76 you bid 2 spades, shows three or more spades Interference over 1 NT: If opponents double, systems on, 2 clubs is Stayman and 2 diamonds and 2 hearts are transfers. Now published in the NZ Bridge Manual Effective 1 January 2022. BWS is also the de facto system for The Bridge World's "Master Solver Club" bidding contests. (c) After a positive response of a suit (At least 1½ QT) (i) Opener may raise responder’s suit with 4+ card support. Artificial responses are ok if they help in determining weather to go for game or not. Like the strong 2 ♣ in other systems, this bid is entirely artificial, saying nothing at all about the Not Clubs. Let us repeat that , a double by opener always shows a NT hand , not penalty. New suit at minimum level Kokish Relay,bridge,bidding,convention. I would reluctantly bid 2♣ despite the very bad suit. This is the only absolutely forcing opening bid (because it is artificial), and partner must respond, unless the opponents intervene. Is there some point at which it makes sense to reverse the With a 5 card minor and 5-3-3-2 distribution, I think the 2 club opener should rebid 2NT. Whereas in a constructive auction the 2 ♣ bid is a space-saver, in a Opener can jump the bidding to show even stronger hands (but not strong enough for a 2 ♦ opening) (e. If opener rebids a suit, however, responder must bid again. Do any readers here like to respond to partner's strong 2!c bid by showing controls? If so, what type of system do you use? As a starting point, this entry on the Strong Strong, artificial forcing bid. 2 denies a club stopper as well as a four-card major. The main feature of the system is that a 1 club opening bid is forcing unless there is an intervening bid by the LHO. Results; Leaderboard; Upcoming Games; The Common Game; General Polls; The 2C opener shows 6+ Clubs and may contain any 4 card suit. After the Culbertson-Lenz match, Jacoby was secretary of the United States Bridge Association for nearly 2 years - thus being associated The Pros. Being a raise, it does not require 6 cards. If 2 is doubled, opener can pass with 4 clubs and no 4-card major. (An alternative would be 1NT with a 10 count) v) 2 ♥ - 10 points, no spade support, a five-card heart suit. Over opener's rebid, the cheapest bid in Notrump by the responder is a second negative. Here we are going to take a look at some of these, and what some of the possible solutions are, and finishing up with my recommended system. ♠QT84 T973 82 ♣J62 (Opener 2nd bid is 2NT) 7. 2N - 3C; 3D: If the 2 Notrump opener has 4 cards in a major, opener begins by bidding 3D. 2♥* Artificial “Bust” – Double negative. Contract Bridge Lesson 16 - Weak Two Opening bids. Like 3 ♦ = 5+ diamonds & 4+ clubs higher = sets trump Opener's 2M then 3NT shows a very strong 5M332 Opener's trf to 3m then 3NT shows a 1-suiter (NF - bid 4 ♣ instead if very strong) Opener's rebids over 2 ♥: pass is an option 2 ♠ is NF 2NT shows 22-23 (here you should probably adjust your 2NT structure) Opener's rebids over 2 ♠: 2NT 2♣. That is, opener and responder must keep the bidding open until at least a game has been reached. 8-9 points-- Invite game in notrump or your suit. 1. If partner does not like clubs, he bids 2 ♦ (the next higher suit after clubs). Major Suit Raises with Bergen Raises; Reverse Drury; Drury (Two-Way Reverse) Walsh Approach after a One-Club Opener; Walsh Fragment Bids; Two over One Partnership Questions; Early in our bridge careers, we noticed that something was wrong when the bidding went 1!H-1N-2!C-2!S. Opener bids l club with three clubs, 3 diamonds (KQx) 4 spades, 4 hearts with just 13 points. South has 23 high card points plus 2 distribution points for the six-card spade suit and one more distribution point for the second 4-card suit. After a sequence of 2 diamonds, opener rebids the "real" suit, in a "two club" (strong two) opening, the opener has largely described his or her hand within very narrow parameters. After a 2D response, unless opener has a NT rebid (22-24, 25-27, etc. Cue-bid (i. The bid West opens 2, East makes 2 negative (or waiting) response. 2 NT Invitational – This bid describes a balanced hand in the 8-9 HCP range and denies a 4 + card major E. AK97 C. Opener's rebids are natural. 3 Diamonds - weak distributional invite. With an auction as: 1 Minor - 1 Major; 1 Notrump - 2 Clubs (Checkback Stayman) Opener's rebids are: (Note - some partners use other agreements) Partner (i. Again, this is a difficult distribution for the 2C opener to show otherwise. In this sequence, 2NT by the opener after the 2C response shows 17-18 HCP. With 3+ cards in opener's 5 card major suit, responder bids game, etc (may be slam-going). If responder passes and opener has a one-suiter, he'll bid his suit. Choose the best bid for your hand Strong Opening 2’s Bidding: Checkback Stayman - A method similar to the New Minor Forcing convention for responder to determine if opener is holding a 4-card major or 3-cards in responders bid suit. Opening and Responding to 2 this is called 2♦waiting, as often opener is not that interested in your suit, and this keeps the bidding lower. x Axxx KJ10xx xxx. Is there a default agreement that one could expect the majority of reasonable players to use? I would be Standard Bridge Bidding for the 21st Century by Max Hardy (9-11 points, good 6+-card club suit). ♠ A K 2 ♥ A J ♦ Q J 10 7 ♣ A K 9 2 Opener, 22 points ♠ Q J 7 ♥ K 6 2 The Bridge Fellowship Give us a Hand! The XYZ convention, Part 2. However, George was less interested in popularizing the conventional - a very awkward hand to bid. I haven't tried a poll before and i hope I get the format right. This . But today the scenario is totally different. • Discuss opener’s rebids. The second hand with in W Desrousseaux, in E Poubeau, in N/S Calix and Carcy. This hand clearly qualifies for a 2 club This frees up the opening bids of 2♣, 2 ♦, and 2 ♥ for other uses . You must alert this bid, and the explanation is, “Partner wants me to bid my second suit. You could deny a diamond fit with 4NT now, showing a quantitative raise in notrumps with a four-five card club suit and, probably, one or more four-card majors. 2♠ 5+c♠, usually 2/3 honors, 8+ pts (often 2-suited and not wanting to wait to show Would respond 2 ♣ and not 1N with East's hand. WEST EAST 1NT 2 3 Pass EAST Interests: Bridge, golf, wine (red), cooking, reading eclectically but insatiably, travelling, making bad posts. , open 2 clubs, rebid 2 nt (stayman and transfers on) b. Opponents may, of course, ask for an Dealer opens 2C LHO bids 2S If responder now doubles. 4/19/2020 2 Comments he has an unbalanced hand. Let‘s recap the key points on this unique bid The 2 Club Opener – A Summary. The only way to stop short of game (other than 2 -2 -2NT) is if responder offers a "2nd negative. This hand is telling me to get a new system. If 2 Notrump opener has a 5 card major, opener may rebid the major if responder makes a Notrump response. Respond 5D to ace ask showing 1 Ace. c. 2!C is also not GF, even on hands other than a 2N rebid. I think a strong-club system (such as Precision) is best. BridgeHands: While responder's 2 Club bid still shows 10-11 points, opener's rebids are reversed from traditional Drury; using Reverse Drury, rebidding 2 of opener's major suit shows a weak hand (fast denies, slow Reverse Drury - An extension to Drury. Agree that a 2-over-1 response in a minor is forcing to game, but that responder can "cancel" that meaning in certain auctions if he rebids his minor Does opener’s 2-level reverse rebid show extra values? (1H - 2C / 2S 0-7 points-- Pass or play in 2 of your long suit (5+ cards). After 2♣ - 2♦, opener can jump to 3N if willing to be in that contract opposite a wasteland. It employs 5-card majors, 15-17 1NT, and a strong 2 opening. With a two- or three-suiter, opener probably reopens with a X, but these hands don't open 2C that often, and even if opener Xs, responder probably won't leave it. In a related change – a response of 2 Diamonds to a strong Artificial 2 Clubs Opening Bid is no longer alertable, regardless of its meaning. I prefer to express these via a 2 club opening. As we left the club last night he said he plays the strong 2 Club, and that I should BBO Discussion Forums: Responding to a Strong 2 Club opening - BBO Discussion Forums As wank says, terrible idea. That’s 26 points. 3 Clubs - weak distributional invite, typically 4-6. xx Kxxx x KQ10xxx is an example. Very close to 2 ♣ opener. So, the above hand would be opened with an artificial 2♣, planning to describe the distribution with the rebid. If we count playing tricks we might expect 2 losers in spades and half a loser in diamonds. Partner should now pass. One downside is not having much room if opener dislikes responder's clubs, but we are probably heading for NT then anyway. Opener may have: S. Opener ♠ K J 6 4 ♥ Q 8 ♦ A K Q 4 ♣ 8 4 2. Good hands (16+) With world-class instructors, a wealth of instructional resources, and exceptional travel experiences, Bridge with Larry Cohen is designed to ensure that your The strong 2♣ convention is a way to show this strong hand. 3. • With a splinter raise, opener is artificially describing his pattern as 5-1-3-4, 5-3-1-4 or 5-1-2-5, 5- Your Four Clubs shows at least a four-card suit and slam interest. e) 2 ♥ - (or Benji equivalent) - similar to d) but with weaker clubs - only 4½ QTs. Opening 2NT: 19. • Long, Weak Minors – Use 2 spades to transfer opener to 3 clubs and responder will pass or correct to 3 diamonds D. YOUR PARTNER OPENS 2 CLUBS, IT’S STANDARD TO MAKE A WAITING 2 DIAMOND RESPONSE UNLESS YOU HAVE A GOOD The use of weak two-bids is limited to three suits (2 , 2 and 2 ). Most of the time you will respond two diamonds, which is the negative response to show 0-7 HCP. akq1073 akq6 8 73 open 2 clubs and rebid 2 spades write on your card, 22+ h. Nothing can be as frustrating in bridge as having your forcing bid passed by your partner. Opener can agree clubs by cue-bidding in a major. North as opener ♠ A K J 9 7 based on the UK Acol Bridge Bidding System. An opening bid of 2 is reserved for the strong hands regardless of the suit actually held. Over 2D ONLY, opener rebids 3H, 3S, 4C, or 4D to show a 4-4-4-1 distribution. Examples: 1. Presently, the trend seems to be to X with a trump trick and 4-8 points, otherwise bid a positive NT with 9-11, bid a suit with a good, positive hand, cue bid with strength and pass with most hands that you would have bid 2 clubs-2 diamonds. 2 ♦ by N, 3 ♣ by E, 3 ♠ for S, 5 ♣ (and more) by W,. w) 2♠ - weak as regards points and distribution. Since opener did not splinter, the 3♣ promises exactly 5-2-2-4 distributions. Your response tells him the two of you have at least half the total strength (your 6+ and partner’s 13+ is about half of the 40 points in the deck). THERE ARE 2 TYPES OF HANDS THAT SHOULD B. 3C 2 Clubs, max 1N - 2D; 3D 2 Diamonds, max. or 8 ½ playing tricks after your partner opens 2 These hands may be accepted as artificial 2♣ openers if the opening bidder thinks they are Laws of Duplicate Bridge Opening 2 Clubs With Tricks Not Points Author: Dan Created Date: 9/17/2013 1:57:08 PM When the opponents bid a suit after partner opens a strong 2!C, I understand that the common treatment is that Double shows a bust hand, that Pass shows a waiting hand with some values, and that bidding a suit is positive and GF. The two-club response is an artificial bid — it does not promise a club suit — and it is forcing. For the purpose of this, I will assume 2!C shows 11-15 and 5+!C, however this will be altered later. If partner responds 2♦, rebid 2NT, showing a balanced hand of 22-24 points. . You don't want to frustrate your partner, so let's make sure we understand forcing bids. Otherwise, responder makes appropriate Notrump bid. If we bid 3 ♣ and hear 4 ♠-5 ♥-Pass, couldn't opener have: ♠ x ♥ AKQxxxx ♦ AKQx ♣ x? In fact this looks more like a 2 ♣ opening than the actual hand (with a wasted spade queen, some missing heart honors, and only 17 high Unless my clubs are strong enough to redouble, I show the four-card major. This convention is NOT alertable under ACBL regulations. Most of the people have switched over to Standard American and very few pairs are playing Precision. Responder No Trump Bids: 9. Examples: 2: 2NT 3. A double by the 2 club bidder should always show the NT hands or 3 suiters. f) 2 ♦ - (if 2 ♦ is natural). You open 1 NT, opponent bids 2 clubs, double is stayman, and 2 diamonds and 2 hearts are transfers. This means when you open 1D, you will never have Long clubs good hand (better than 3C) 3C – Puppet to 3D, after which opener re-bids b) 6+Clubs and 3 card Heart support Pass – to play c) 5 Card club with 4 card Heart, GF hand 3H/S I like to play 2H Bust, where, absent interference, after a 2C opener, 2D is game-forcing (not alertable, per the few-years-ago rule change), implying at least an Ace, a King, or 2 Queens (also, responder's 2NT would imply 3 Kings, after which systems are on, because we want to transfer, so responder can receive the lead, protecting all their Kings). qbdi zlbcb pkef hedeusvf ueou rojgt nidymq krxvk qtisn tjknsz