Dtd day before ovulation bfp. trying to sway boy- .

Dtd day before ovulation bfp Ahhh congrats that's amazing news!!! You must be so happy! How long were you trying? 0. Dtd 1-2 days before ovulation what are my chances. We were both shocked but DP was gutted he though he was in for a few months of round the clock action. See original post. So we're doing the shettles method and had sex 3 and 4 days before I ovulated. 6 answers / Last post: 04/04/2015 at 8:58 am. Symptoms started around CD 20. I just got my bfp . Amazing - thank you so much all of you!! [quote ChinChilly]@ellecf Yep with my last BFP i was convinced AF was coming, cramps were exactly the same, I waited 2 days after AF to test because I had a previous chemical. Anyone pregnant 5 days before ovulation. It's almost like I felt the egg being fetlized. Used cheap ovulation strips. Conception 1 day before period. HopefulB. I thought we had bad timing this month and there was no way I would see a BFP. R. How often did you DTD when you got your BFP . I've just had my BFP and we DTD every other day in the week leading up to ovulation (which included the day I got the positive opk). Thanks. Who had a temp dip at 7dpo and got BFP? Anonymous. My cycles range from 28 days to 30 days and I have a 13 day luteal phase. Hi Hun your still in with a chance! Most definitely [emoji4] anytime you baby dance around ovulation you have a great chance! Anyone conceive DTD only 4 days before ovulation? Trying for a baby. as I have no ewcm I've been using pre seed just hoping they stay alive long enough anyone got a bfp by dtd before ovulation. MissJekyll. So far we have BD’d on CD10, 14, 16 and hoping we’ll be able to tomorrow. Jul 13, 2020 · We only DTD up to two days before ovulation, chart below. Dh took soluble 1000 mg vit C twice a day (ivf recommended to a friend's dh). So BFP on CD21 ish. Good luck x. Very early pregnancy symptoms. T. My BBT dropped down the day before my period in Oct & then on the day of my period in Nov & Dec. Sorry replied twice there by mistake silly me lol x. Mine Oct 18, 2013 · i was just wondering if anyone conceived after dtd few days before ovulation? Please give me some hope! im driving myself crazy with symptom spotting (im 9dpo) Anyone else have any BFP’s after only being able to dtd once, 2 days before ovulation? Hubby was working for the rest of my fertile period, so I’m hoping once was enough. Posted 07-05-17. Maybe I did ovulate early, but we only DtD around my predicted ovulation days 🤔 . with my DS we dtd once that entire month 3 days before ovulation, we had already done it and were told to abstain because of complications from previous miscarriage and got our bfp that month, every other cycle we'd dtd so much and got negatives! Good luck! I got pregnant only from having sex on the second day of a positive opk. Flo guessed ovulation around CD14 (based on BBT) and I normally have a very reliable 28 day cycle. x. Your best chances to conceive are in the 2 or 3 days before ovulation, day of ovulation and possibly day after but better is before. The month I caught I was convinced I was out as Feb 9, 2011 · Just wondered if anyone actually conceived DTD before ovulation? It can be done hun, as their is a theory called the Shettles Method - which a couple I know fell pregnant by Jan 31, 2017 · We DTD on the day I got a positive OPK (cheapie strip) so likely ovulated the day after. I'm not using opks as only on cycle 2 so 'trying' to keep it casual!! I developed a lovely UTI which has stopped us DTD, I have been drinking gallons of water for three days and really hoping that it's gone! Hello All! I am new here and just wondering if anyone knows if it is even possible to get pregnant from dtd 3/4 days before ovulation. Tried for a baby then, and am now 36 weeks pregnant! This is my experience though, not sure about everyone else’s! But after seeing the same shade that day, I took them again a day after and it was still the same shade, then the following days it kept getting lighter and lighter. We then only did it the following day (which I think was ovulation day). OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report Dtd 4 days before the peak is good if you can fit it in as then sperm is there ready and waiting already. This is our 3/4 month TTC. m. I conceived on ovulated around CD 11/12 , and got a positive on FRER and internet cheapie on CD 23. I took my BBT every morning at 7. Reply. Just entered TWW and ovulated a little later then last month and started to DTD abit too early, then when we entered fertile window we only managed it 4 days and 2 days before ovulation, already feel like I’m out even though I know its possible and sperm can live 5 days etc etc just thought it would be nice to here some BFP success stories from only BD a few times. Could only dtd once this cycle and that was last night (Friday) just wondering what my chances are. Sorry ladies another clearblue digital question! I was just wondering how many days of flashing smileys you had before a solid? Mine have gone: Cd7 empty circle Cd8 empty circle Cd9 flashing smiley ( we bd'd ) Cd10 flashing smiley Cd11 flashing smiley ( we bd'd ) Cd12 flashing smiley My cycles are usually about 29 days so hoping to get a solid smiley soon! Hey Emma! I've been ttc for 4 months! Sounds like you DTD on quite good days! I've been scanned after using an OPK and ovulation took place the night of the positive OPK, late at night. Great feedback ladies - it really helped to hear from the BFP gals lol. b I ovulate late - on day 18-20 of a 30-32 day cycle. According to this, Anyone else have any BFP’s after only being able to dtd once, 2 days before ovulation? Hubby was working for the rest of my fertile period, so I’m hoping once Dec 13, 2020 · So if I DTD on Cd 9, 22 days ago and digital test said I'm 21+ days pregnant then I not only ovulated pretty early but I'm also guessing the egg was waiting on Cd8 or dropped on Cd9 and the sperm made its way straight away. Dtd day of positive opk and day after. When I got my bfp I'd Dtd the day of the solid smiley then two more consecutive days after that. I got a positive opk but OH was too exhausted that night. When i caught we dtd day of ovulation day before, 2 days before and day before that. 2. There is some research to show that extremely fresh sperm (in those with no sperm I'm still 4 days away from AF date, so I'm either 11dpo or 12 dpo, depending when I ovulated. We DTD 2 & 4 days before confirmed ovulation (absolutely raging we didn't DTD the day o Newsletter; Sampling & Survey; Newsletter; Sampling & Survey I found reflexology really good and got my BFP after three sessions (and trying for six months!) sadly it wasn't meant to be but I do Interestingly Fertility Friend often seems to think I ovulated the day before my last day of EWCM. Sperm cycle is about 90 days so takes time. Of course you can get pregnant by having sex one time. Try DTD again today if it's not too uncomfortable as you might still catch it. Only another week or so and I will know. Congratz for your bfp. I got my BFP last Thursday at 10dpo. AmyR187. We DTD every other day this cycle and then twice in a row with positive OPK so if I’m not preg idk what happened!! I know it’s still early, If anyone on here with their BFP’s conceived by dtd 3 or more days before they ovulated I’d love to hear some stories to Anyone conceive DTD only 4 days before ovulation? Trying for a baby. Anyone conceive DTD only 4 days before ovulation? Trying to conceive clubs. This is my second cycle ttc #2 and I had a surprise pos opk in the morning on CD13. Hi ladies - I got a positive opk text 8pm on Saturday evening. I have a 26 day cycle and ovulate around day 11 or 12. Try not to worry sperm survives up to Oct 29, 2017 · Anyone conceive DTD only 4 days before ovulation? This was my october calender and I'm now 4+1 wks preg! I'm guessing it was the 48 hours before that was the culprit x. Twice the day before ovulation and once the day after. 0. CM when TTC. You need to know exactly when you ovulated. So we dtd 6 days and 4 days before ovulation. Ov'd - CD 20 (I had ov cramps that I get every month) BFP - CD 31 (11 DPO) So although I did an OPK, due to DH's work commitments, we couldn't DTD the day before, on or after ovulation. This time we only decided to start trying again halfway through my cycle and expected it to take a long time again so only managed to dtd once on what I believe to be the day of ovulation (or even the day after - thought we'd probably missed it) and got our Dtd 3 days before FF is showing I ovulated this month. Rosequartz514 @MrsW_2015, Congrats on your Bfp! All your stories give me some hope ! My fiancée was sick that month so we only did it 2 days before ovulation. BD 8, 9, 11, 12 and I ovulated either CD 13, 14. BFP with late ovulation and short luteal phase: what I did differently. Me! A nasty dose of heat stroke and only DTD once but to our surprise BFP the first month of TTC. CD11, I OV on CD15 and we now have a 5 month old baby. Was I too late?! What are the chances of a We manged to dtd every 2-3 days from end of af. I was so upset as I was planning on having a break for Christmas. Trying for day before ovulation, accidentally mistimed it and had sex day before my positive ovulation test so hopefully there’s enough Hi all as the title says just wondering if anyone got a bfp by dtd just once 2/3 days before ovulation? I'm due to ovulate either tomorrow or Monday. 16 DPO, BFN but late period. I am currently about 5 dpo and driving myself nuts going round and round about if I am even in with a shot or not. With my second pregnancy I only dtd between 6 days and 2 days before ovulation as I was following the shuttles method for a girl and I conceived. I got pregnant 3 years ago feeling all that you have mentioned and I DTD a few days before ovulation. Like. Today (Sept 19), I was having all sorts of ovulation symptoms right down to blood tinge ewcm. Inactive. but tested 12 days later and bfp! So good luck x. Just got my "bfp" (faint lines on clearblue early and frer I'm breastfeeding no. We dtd every day or every other day between the end of my bleed and the end of my fertile window on Ovia (felt too pants since though) Hey Ladies Start a group on late ovulation!Trying to bring some positive vibes Sending baby dust to All Has anyone ovulated late & then had a BFP?How do you find tracking LH & BBT?Any useful tips & tricks?Everyone experiencing late ovulation of course would love to hear your success BFN day after BFP. In answer to. MissusG2. On Sept 17, I started getting the ewcm and I ruled it out as left over semen from a few days prior. Sex past O did not result in a single pregnancy. I know that's not much but it couldn't possibly be a yeast infection due to dtd ! I really hope it's good news only! 5 days before period bfp??? Leanne B(692) 23/03/2018 at 1:36 pm. but Hubs and I only dtd on O day. I had been missing all these fertile days because I couldn’t see any EWCM but it was obviously up there! So we BD. The month I got pregnant we only BDed the day before and the day of. DBO – Days before ovulation DH, DW, DP, DS, DD, DF, DB – Dear husband, Dear wife, dear partner, dear son, dear daughter, dear fiancé, dear boyfriend DSD, DSS – dear step daughter, dear stepson DPT – Days Past Transfer DTD – Do the Deed (have intercourse) DI – Donor Insemination DPO – Days past ovulation. 01/04/2015 at 6:36 pm. See last answer. We completely missed my fertile window according to my app and am in tww (6dpo) now but have a feeling I’m not going to get a bfp this month! My husband left town the day of peak fertility so we DTD before he left. You've caught it on On the tracking app i use all days that are not around ovulation say low chance of pregnancy, a few days before and after it says medium chance and then high chance 1 day before, throughout and a Anyone conceive DTD only 4 days before ovulation? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. And 2 days before was actually slightly higher than the day before. 5 days before 4 days before 2 days before Day of ovulation Who got BFP by DTD every day or every other day. I’m feeling like we are out because it wasn’t enough, but I thought I’d come here for some Anyone conceive DTD only 4 days before ovulation? Anonymous. DTD day before ovulation for the first and 3-4 days before ovulation for this pregnancy! Quote Thanks Add post Share I also had a chemical last month - it is so so crappy!!! I am 9dpo and have zero symptoms , I also couldn't DTD on day of ovulation and dtd three days before like you did lol. You're more likely to fall pregnant if you dtd in the days running up to ovulation (your fertile window) rather than the day of, as it can take up to 12 hours for the swimmers to reach your tubes. I got a bfp on a cycle where we didn't DTD for 4 or 5 days before ovulation (don't know the exact date I ov'd as I track by dates and symptoms only). So once an egg is released it gives more of a chance of conception. But I guess you were only looking for success stories from sex on the day of the first positive. 2 days before AF due and sure enough I got my bfp! Good luck ladies! 0. 23/02/2016 at 10:13 pm. TERainbow @Tulip308, BFP at 10dpo. Then abstained for 3 days, then dtd next day (day before ovulation). 27/05/2015 at 8:21 am. a. That was all for the whole month lol. The most successful day was the day of O about 33%. August 20, 2021 | by quindogg. I got my BFP a few days ago :) Like. Quote Due to erratic cycles and DH’s work shifts, we have only managed to DTD once this cycle, on the day of my LH peak (so one day before ovulation). Posted 15-11-11. Trying to conceive clubs. gl x. My first PP was a couple days before New Year and I wanted to track my first cycle to see what my body was up to so kept DH at arms length. Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. Posted 05-08-16. 27/05/2015 at 8:37 am. And continue every other day its high and if it goes to peak then every day!! . On my BFP cycle in Jan it increased the day before my period was due, up to the top end of my luteal phase Every month I get a smiley face and have DTD a few days before and a few days after. 2nd BFP next month dtd on positive OPK (peak on clearblue digital) + 2 days after and that was literally it for the whole month just 3 times in total cos that month I was a bit 'over it all'. We DTD Wednesday, We DTD the day before and 3 days before and got a BFP. I dtd the day before my af started (lasted for 7 days) Today is cd 11. We didn't do it on O day or after, just the 3 days leading up to it. I wouldn't just rely on timing it around the ovulation tester though as you're fertile for up to 5 days before ovulation. And then 1dpo. I just thought it would be interesting to compare. Nov 28, 2011 #16 When I gpt pregnant with my son, we only DTD once that month! We weren't trying at allwe were very lucky! We tried for almost 18 months before BFP (but it turned out there was a reason for that). I was temping and charting with my last baby, due to a bad month we only managed to bd once around that time. I was talking to a friend earlier who only DTD once in the month, 5 days before ovulation. This cycle I've just had pain for about three days (approx days 7-10 pas ovulation) and suddenly yesterday the pain was gone. Oct 7, 2013 #9 I just got my bfp this morning and I only dtd 4 and 5 days before ovulation as well so definitely possible. Ovulation Test Smiley Face - When do we DTD?? Out of my three kids this far only two of them am I absolutely certain about when DTD prior to ovulation resulted in their pregnancies. Wasn't sure if allowed to post this on the main forum so I've also done on the testing thread. Quote Thanks Ovia says I’m on day 21 of my cycle according to when I bled for the miscarriage, but I know I got a bfn a week before the baby came away so that could of triggered ovulation early. But if we can’t tomorrow, I’m curious if I’m still in with a good chance based on what others have done. how long does the first midwife appointment last? Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. Is a day Just curious - how much dtd do you ladies do once you get the Positive OPK?! 1st month using OPK we dtd in the days leading up to the positive, day of, and day after - didn't work! Second month - we dtd leading up to, then the 2 days of positive OPK And 3 more days in a row after - still didn't work!! - I put a hot water bottle on my tummy every evening on days 7-12 (as per Zita West to help lining) - I took cough medicine (to help cm) on days 15-17 - I listened to fertility meditations on YouTube every couple of days - I remained positive: from ovulation my OH and I acted as if it had definitely worked, so we sent lots of positive vibes out Hello sorry for intruding, i was hoping someone could shed a little hope on my feelings? we didnt get to DTD on ovulation day (cd13) because i fell alseep :haha: :dohh: but we DTD the night before (cd12) and the day before that (cd11) im using the cbfm and CD12 was a peak dayi just feel First month tracking ovulation TTC #2 and I’m on cycle day 23! My cycles last between 24-27 days. 1st Trimester; 2nd Trimester; 3rd Trimester; Pregnancy Safety; Guides Did you really feel different on your bfp cycle as opposed to cycles when you weren't pregnant! What gave it away? Did you feel like you were going to get af? I ask because every month just a few days past ovulation I know I'm not pregnant I just never feel any different and then proceed to always have the usual pms stuff. Hi Ladies, I have been TTC for ages and know I definitely Ovulated Sunday night (had pains and positive LH surge 40 hours before). Sorry for jumping in but I've done same thing, only dtd 4 days before and 1 day after a positive due to not understanding test never used them before, so be good to know if it is still possible, as i don't no if next month i can keep trying, sorry for your cp also, i had a missed miscarriage in december and hoping for my last baby very soon xx I used to think that swimmers last a few days so its okay to skip a day but most women that ive seen so far with BFPs didnt skip BD on ovulation and had sex everyday and sometimes multiple times a I’m currently 4-5 days before predicted ovulation by my app and I’m curious how far ahead of O have y’all dtd and still gotten a bfp? Yes, I know swimmers The high days are when it detects estrogen (which is what causes EWCM) so to my surprise it gave me 7 HIGH days and then my 2 PEAK days. Never gotten a bfp from dtd on O day i might be odd ;) Panda1979. We too have DTD a few days before OV Hey ladies, Looking for some good news stories :-). then the day of the peak ovulation test and the day after the peak test. We were away and had the kiddies in our room so just didn't get a chance to do it more over my fertile window. I had evidence of ovulation at least two to three days prior to Dtd. My husband and I DTD on Sept 14 and he never pulled out as expected O is Sept 22 and thought we would be on the safe side. Just wondered if anyone got their bfp from only dtd 2 days Hoping it will be ok. 1st - 5 days before, 3 days before and 1 day before ovulation 2nd - day before and day of ovulation 3rd - A LOT because I had 11 days of flashing smiley on CB digital! But around ovulation was 3 days before, 2 days before, day before and day of Anyone get bfp dtd 2 days before ovulation 8 replies Kee80 · 29/05/2018 10:33 Hi ladies as the title says. second it was the day before O and the day before that and exactly the same for this bfp. Posted 03-08-15. Also both months I've conceived I have made sure to have sex twice on the day before ovulation and the day of. Quote We have been good at keeping up with DTD, so if I did ovulate yesterday , the closest to ovulation sex we had was DTD Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd , we tried last night but weren’t fully successful if you see what I mean. Now TTC again. ashd518. sorry i cant help you, but we're on the same boat lol, we dtd cd22/23 nd it seems that i O'd cd26 13dpo today!! AF should be arriving Sunday!! we'll see if its possible lol BTW i tested at 11dpo Ttc number 2 I’m on my second month of trying except me an oh have been ill the last few weeks so have only dtd about 2/3 days before ovulation on the day I had loadssss of ewcm. Evaode Original Poster. no2 is taking its sweet time at month 2 of TTC and now waiting to test!! Go figure!! e Louise, this was me in November. Hayley O(29) 10/02/2011 at 7:57 pm. I just got my BFP a few days ago and the only time DH and I DTD anywhere near my fertile window was 3 days before I ovulated: DTD - CD 17 + OPK - CD 19. The best time is 1-2 days BEFORE ovulation. Thankyou, I was really getting down about it as my chart suggested I haven't ovulated or even conceived so I am thrilled, it's only my second month ttc and didn't even dtd that often only 2 days before suspected ovulation, but I suppose it was my lucky month, now I have a load of other worries! With DD I didnt track ovulation with sticks but dated it and dtd for 4 days inclusive around ovulation and it worked! I only dtd once in my fertile peak and that was two days before ovulation xx. On what days did u dtd when you got your bfp x. I usually ovulate right in the middle of my 28 day cycle. The closer to ovulation the more of this hormone you have. For the other 10 months we tried, we did it Ovulation is the release of an egg. Anyone conceive DTD only 4 days before ovulation? Trying for a baby. Anyone get this but go onto get a BFP? I'm feeling out but some hopeful stories would In terms of when to POAS I got a BFP 4 days before AF was even due. For me the EWCM was the best indicator of fertility - I didn’t bother with OPKs or temping. Bloating at 7 days after ovulation. I’m currently TTC and weve tried DTD everyday during the fertile window in the past, didn’t work yet. husband did a marathon so I could only Do the deed on Saturday morning, so a day and a half before Ovulation started. As soon as the EWCM we dtd every day for a few days and worked both times we planned a baby, cycle 1 for DC1 (at 30) and cycle 3 for dc2 (at 33). DTD on the day of ovulation - Netmums squidgely. I don't have stress (live in a holiday-vibe place), dtd every day during ovulation week, still nothing Take all the mentioned vitamins already. We were at the inlaws so no BD'ing and I was super shocked when I got my bfp two weeks later. My app predicts my ovulation to be on cd 15, it’s normally on cd 14 or later. Fish a few times a week. I think we may have DTD on the day of ovulation. I got my BFP unfortunately it ended in MMC but I remember saying to my OH before I tested that AF was on the way. 30 for the last 4 months, 2 months before we started trying just so I could understand what to expect. This cycle I only dtd 2 days before ovulation and on ovulation. We only DTD up to two days before ovulation, chart below. We saved ourselves and didnt dtd before we got a high so that the quality of fiances sperm was better! . Trying for a baby. 30/08/2011 at 10:13 am. . I O’ed on day 18 (of 31 day cycle) and we BD on day 12,15,17. Joined Jan 19, 2011 Messages 1,956 I only managed to DTD two days before ovulation and no closer to it so I’m worried I’ve missed out this cycle :(has anyone here fallen pregnant before peak days (day before ovulation and day of ovulation?!) or do I have a slim chance of a BFP this month? OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report I was constantly checking for blood before I got my bfp. ) That pregnancy was a girl :) However I will say I did use OPKs, tracked BBT, I have regular cycles and also went for an ultrasound scan a few days before ovulation just to check on how my ovaries, womb looked etc and she could see a dominant follicle on my left ovary ready to release an egg in 2-3 days according to her calculations and sure enough 2 days later I got a positive OPK and Anyone conceive DTD only 4 days before ovulation? Anonymous. Has anyone got a BFP from DTD a couple of days before or the day before ovulation? This is my 8th month of trying, i am - Page: 2 Yes we DTD 5/6 days before ovulation was due, i was a little surprised to say the least when AF didn't turn up. only 12 days ago and have been dtd every other day Most ovulation tests are better done mid day - 2ish rather than early morning like pregnancy tests. Hi Ladies,I’m curious how many times you baby danced with your partners during your fertile window to get your BFP. With my first pregnancy, I was only going by a predicted ovulation date based on my cycle, and again we dtd 5-6 days before I was expected to ovulate (right before hubby was going away for 2 weeks. ate a load of lentil soup and had sex a few days before my ovulation date rather than the day of!! (Worked with both of mine I think I felt twinges a few days before so I'm thinking/hoping that I ov 2 days earlier when we DTD every other day. OPKS test for hormones in your urine. It happens on one day. Joined Jul 12, 2012 Messages 12,038 Reaction score 73. I'm 3DPO (I think) and we BD Friday the day I got the positive ovulation test and then that Sunday morning. f. They need to be there laying in wait for the egg, as once it's released, its Ovulation test leading up to BFP or AF. 1 and TTC no. trying to sway boy- I dtd 4 days before O and just got my bfp at 14dpo! Unreal!!! Like. Regardless, we tried: Every day until after ovulation (taking OPKs) "Saving it up" until closer to ovulation and DTD around 7 days in a row ; The time we got pregnant, it was 1 day in a particularly rough week. One day before ovulation and two days before ovulation or actually the best days for TTC. 26/11/2015 at 9:28 pm. FX to you, hope you get yours! According to ultrasound, we are having a girl. A week before ovulation, twice in one day two days before ovulation, three times on ovulation and Jan 31, 2017 · We DTD on the day I got a positive OPK (cheapie strip) so likely ovulated the day after. I dtd on my ov day and fell pregnant with my 3yo daughter and that was the only day we dtd in my fertile window. I did in one of my pregnancies- it was actually more like 4 or 5 days if I remember correctly. What cycle days did you BD before ovulation? I’m currently on CD17 on my second round of letrozole and just tonight at 5:30pm got my positive ovulation test. Just started ttc and I thought dtd on ovulation day was the best possible time but I've been reading a bit and some say its better to do it just befor Hello ladies, and congrats to all those BFP’s! I figured you’d be the best to ask since you are all (mostly) pregnant now! We only DTD up to two days before ovulation, chart below. It fell off quickly past that point. If so, I'm leaning towards me DTD the day before or day of ovulation which leans towards a Boy sway. I see a lot of recommendations about dtd 2-3 days before ovulation but not a lot of information about dtd on the day of ovulation! Reply. Hi everyone I am new to this site and just wanted to reach out for some help! this is my second month TTC and im still confused as to how everything works! Then lo and behold I tested (I am a poas addict ) and got a BFP I DTD two days before ovulation, the day of ovulation and the day after . Unfortunately, this pregnancy Dtd every couple of days around ovulation time, no tracking as I used to get ewcm and ovulation pains. Show 4 Previous Comments. Then no more bd until 3days after ovulation. Anyone had the same?? or how long did it take to get your BFP using the digital ovulation sticks. Although my temp was really high past my usual lp I was still anxious af would come. I did as I read your chances are highest if you dtd on the day of ovulation X I did and got my BFP last Hey! i’m 4/5 DPO today, we managed to DTD about 3 days before ovulation, the night before, night of and after 🙃🥲 And i still don’t think we got it i don’t know why, i’m trying to stay hopeful and really wanting to wait till i miss an AF before testing but don’t think i’ll be able to!! Hi Laura it is possible they say to dtd a few days before ovulation so because sperm can stay up there for a few days. Community Getting Pregnant Oh and the day before my BFP I felt exhausted in the afternoon and had to have a nap - which I hadn't done for a long time so that gave me a bit of a clue. I've read loads that it's irrelevant about the day of ovulation as your body releases the egg when it's ready. We bd'd 6-7 days before O & and day after O so we thought we were out for this month lol . Justkeeptryin Mum at last. Got a bfp on 3rd cycle. Trying for a baby Yes, that happened to us with our first: BD'd three (or four) days before ovulation and not for over a week after as my boyfriend got the flu. We DTD 3 times every other day before and once on the day after We DTD every day 3 days before, on the day of ovulation, and one day after. What do you ladies DTD 5 days before ovulation!!!!! Chanel12. Pssst! Heyaa, I'm 5 weeks +2 now, just wanted to say breast tenderness was my first symptom, started a week before period was due at around 6 dpo I would guess which I thought was just an early period symptom but it never came I haven't got the tingling or anything yet, they just feel heavy, firm and sore! But from was I hear the tingling is a good sign too ^^ I was devastated this month as we only had sex once two days before ovulation as my dh had work Skip to main content Skip to main navigation it was 5 days old and we only dtd once that month. Report as Inappropriate. Quote we dtd 11 days ago so ovulation could There was a study done by Wilcox et al in 1998 that showed that two days before and one day before gives you the best chance of concieving. Hi, I ovulate on day 11 too! I Hey just wondering if anyone got a bfp after only dtd 4 or 5 days before ovulation? Is it even possible? Did you feel pregnant leading up to your bfp? Just wondering if you were asking because you had a ‘feeling’ or just out of Okay so if my calendar is right today should be the first day of my fertile window. 3 days late for period but negative test ? Reply. I was wondering if DTD 2days before my fertile window could end in Yes, with my first i peed on an ov stick it was positive i dtd that night and 10 days later i got my BFP. 15 per cent if you have sex four days before ovulation ; Hey I just got my bfp dtd 4 days b4 ovulation so yep it can happen :) good luck x. Kez0605. Anonymous. 07/12/2014 at 7:23 pm. You probably dtd the day before ovulation so well timed and it's definitely worth dtd again tonight as you may have ovulated earlier today so again, still a decent chance. Search for a thread Anyone conceive DTD only 4 days before ovulation? Trying for a baby. My husband was out of town and this was the one and only time we had sex. I also got pregnant by having sex the day before my first positive. @Leobaby 17dpo for me today, no sign of AF yet so finally done a test and got BFP!! Quote React Add post Share Well I got my first high on Sunday so dtd then, I'm still high today so will dtd again tonight. First response was with FMU too. An LH surge can be short or it can last quite a while. The day before O was 31%. Just got a bfp today at 9dpo so yes it is definitely possible!! x. I've done 3 Internet cheapie, CB digital and 2 First responses (going a bit mad 😭) the last few days. So 2 diff "approaches" and both worked. Ava predicted my ovulation date as day 17 My cycles were roughly 28-31 days, I was off the pill for only a few months so they were still settling. Quote React Add post Share Report Bookmark Lisa127 · 19/02/2020 19:20 So, I feel we need a little build up first (but not too much) then time DTD right before ovulation. E2 Yes you definitely have a chance! The cycle that I got pregnant (currently 10w4d) we dtd day of ovulation (day after OPK peak) and about 4 days before that (I had already discounted this one, while yes it was in the ‘fertile window’ I’m 38 and was really counting on the 2ish days leading up to peak OPK/ovulation as key, but we were working through some issues - had a So this month we have started trying but are trying for a girl as we have 2 boys already. I dtd that night and 4 days before. I don’t have PCOS and have had no issues conceiving. When did I ovulate? Anonymous. I was going to suggest the weeks inductor too! Seems like u might be further than u think! X x. Has anyone conceived with Dec 23, 2020 · It is possible to get pregnant from having unprotected sex 3 days before ovulation. Still, the chance of pregnancy at 4 days before ovulation is around 10% or less. Hadn't done it all week because I had got a positive opk the week before but my temps didn't rise. Posted 16-01-13. My DH is a hottie, so it was no great effort. Nothing last month & chemical month before but previous two months were ovulation day 11. I'm not sure you've got your timings right. Find advice, support and good company (and some stuff just for fun). So will see but I'm not holding out much hope this cycle but I will keep you posted. I only DTD once before ovulation CD 9 and then on CD 11 & 12 as I was ill. All stark white negatives. 06/03/2013 at 1:32 pm. From 7 days it is something like 65% or 70% accurate right up to 99% on the day your period is due. If anyone on here with their BFP’s I am currently using these myself, although I do find them good and helpful unfortunately no bfp yet! 🙁 Going by my experience so far, dtd as often as possible during your fertile period, and up to a week after your peak days. Ovulate same day/day after positive opk, when to inseminate? Trying for a baby. Just wondering have any of you ladies got your bfp by only dtd 2 days before. do yoi guyz think you can get preg by bd'ing a day after Ovulation as the egg stays Ate fresh veg especially greens every day. Fingers and toes crossed for you x. 4 answers / Last post: 07/03/2013 at 7:36 pm. Ladies with BFP's did you have sex BEFORE ovulation? Evaode. Who got BFP by DTD every day or every other day. Last edited 03-12-14. I would say the only thing that will really help is making sure you DTD plenty around the right time. So just have some fun DTD slot and use the ovulation tester to inform when to test for pregnancy. Nov 23, 2010 · Anyway coz i didn't get pos till later then i though i got lazy with dtd (think i did it bout cd13 the last time or cd12 can't really remember but i know it was a few days before my pos OPK on cd16 so when i got the positive OPK i jumped OH lol Aug 5, 2016 · I got another BFP this morning on an IC. 24H. So I am thinking I got pregnant from the sex we had 3 days before. greenkite. My period ended on Sept 12. c. Seems like it Strong BFP 9 days before AF. Advertisement | page continues below. I’m feeling like we are out because it wasn’t enough, but I thought I’d come here for some hope. Got my BFP on 9 DPO (probably would have got one 8 DPO but I held off testing for the first time that month). You can miss the egg if you dtd after ovulation. I got my BFP last Aug 5, 2016 · A week before ovulation, twice in one day two days before ovulation, three times on ovulation and then a week after ovulation 😂 Jun 19, 2013 · Most sperm don't survive longer than 72 hours, but obviously some last longer than that. I just had an HSG done this month and they say you are a small bit more fertile for the next three months after that. I believe two days before was 25% but I am fuzzy on that number. Also seems like only 10-11 days between ovulation and period which is quite a short time Also what do you mean dtd on day 1, 4, 6 of suspected ovulation period? Ovulation only happens on one day It sounds a little confused I was wondering who actually conceived dtd a few days before ovulation happened and not dtd on the day of ovulation like most people do. I know this thread is old but in the same boat and wondered if you got your BFP with 2 days before O? mara16jade Mommy of 2 little boys. I didn't expect to be regular while still BF. Therefore you definitely have a chance! You will have dtd and then the egg is still viable for up to 24 hours. 18/09/2018 at 10:25 pm. Has anyone concieved 4 days before ovulation and then felt severe abdominal pain on the day of ovulation and got a bfp (pain was on the left side). Coming up to 20 weeks pregnant now I only had one fertility window as conceived first try and we DTD day before peak, day of peak I baby danced on 28th Dec But actually didn't ovulate till few days later. jenmcn1 Expecting baby #4:) Joined Sep 7, 2011 Messages 5,831 Reaction score 0. OP posts: See next See all Quote React Add post Share Report Anyone get bfp dtd 2 days before ovulation 8 replies Kee80 · 29/05/2018 10:33 Hi ladies as the title says. For me 1st BFP - dtd every day of fertile window including 2 days after suspected ovulation. 08/04/2018 at 8:45 pm. We DTD on CD9, CD10, CD12 + CD13. Got my BFP today, dtd CD9, 14, 16 and 17. Good luck[/quote] So sorry for your MMC. I'm just wondering what are the chances of getting pregnant this many days before i ovulate, has anyone else dtd days before ovulation and still got a bfp? Hi All, we DTD one day before ovulation pains started We only had sex twice during the fertile window 3 days before ovulation pains and the day of ovulation pain and I got my bfp last week At 9/10 dpo my first and really only symptoms were tired legs and back ache at 6/7dpo Hi just wanted to know if having sex just once, one day before ovulation resulted in pregnancy and what did you have boy or girl?I DTD on my first peak day. I had scans last year to check my uterus and he was super pleased with it so I think il be ok. I’ve never gotten pregnant that early but I’ve been exhausted and sooo hot and have been having headaches which r all not normal for me I am 7dpo now and just wondering how many days before ovulation u ladies conceived Good luck, I hope you get your BFP! Like. I’m 8dpo according to CM and OPK and all negative tests so far. Normally don't get a positive till CD16-17. First response works 7-10 days past ovulation. I'm hoping for a girl as well but didn't plan to only dtd that early before ovulation so will be thrilled if it's a girl! I'm convinced I'm will be, I 'knew' I'd be having a girl next before I even started ttc so have a name all ready. Good luck! had sex at midnight, had a negative opk the next afternoon, and a bfp 13 days later. Just wondered if anyone got their bfp from only dtd 2 days Dtd a couple days before got me BFP x. Took folic acid and used conceive plus. I was thinking, when I'm your cycle did you DTD when you got your BFP? I wonder how varied our results will be. I found some months that I ovulated a few days after my solid smiley face, which took me a while to realise. I'm thinking if I've got my timing right, we should DTD on Sunday morning. Definitely no reason to spot 3-4 days after ovulation. I’m looking for some success stories to keep me smiling, instead of fed up that we’ve missed our chance this month! They've done studies (using u/s) to see which days sex resulted in a pregnancy. 02/04/2015 at 7:03 am. But just remember lots of us here have bd on correct days & not gotten a bfp, so don't be too disapointed if it doesn't happen this cycle Xx Jul 13, 2020 · We BDed two days before, one day before, and the day of ovulation. Obviously when ttc more is more (usually) but you are definitely in with a shot. I normally have to get my timing right to get pregnant. Just wanted to know if anyone has bd 5-3 days before ovulation and got a BFP. For the last two months I have started getting a brown spotting a day or two before my period. Yesterday I was in a rush and didn’t get to lay down after BD. Posted 11-05-13. We DTD either 2-3 days before ovulation (not sure on which date it was) with my last pregnancy, so absolutely it's possible. 16 dpo and bfn but no af Guides. This month for example, I had 4 days of EWCM, a day without, then 5 days of EWCM, then a day without, then 4 days of EWCM, and FF Hi mummas, did anyone have intercourse x amount of days before ovulation & get pregnant. I did elevate my legs and I laid in bed for 30 minutes after. I have no clue if that helped but it gave me an excuse to take some me time. We had sex 3 days before O and in the PM on O day, I thought that by the time you O that you only have like a 5% chance of getting preg, that may be off though. Thanks, Yeah it all became pretty much baby making only. No red meat - just chicken. DX – diagnosis. Baby number 1 was 5 days before ovulation and baby number 2 was the day of I BD a little less than 3 days (maybe by a few hours) before I O'd and I'm wondering if there is anyone else who got a BFP if they only BD 3 days before they ETA: Looked back and see we DTD 4 days and 2 days before ovulation (based on temp), the day itself and the day after. Lack of normal pre menstrual spots and mild cramping. pregnant that month so we just DTD on the 3 days before my predicted ovulation and shockingly that was when I got my BFP. hqqwd lkzclh jaxa pvwiom buvyw skvcsm eveud xhyc iqeosm fwg