What key aspect central to the commanders decision cycle. Total views 100+ Clackamas Community College.
What key aspect central to the commanders decision cycle Mission aspects, while strengthening the application of operational art. After the commander derives his understanding (orientation) of the battlespace, Students are introduced to the fundamental aspects of joint warfare. As part of the commander's decision-making cycle, the stage allows the commander and his staff to determine where things are diverging from what was planned. assess. INTRODUCTION 1. The stage of the commanders decision cycle is facilitated by the commanders from JOINT SEJPME 2 at Joint Forces Staff College. Legal, interagency, interorganizational, and policy advisors play an important role in identifying, in support of military operations. Maritime forces conduct operations in environments characterized by complexity and uncertainty. Design occurs throughout the planningexecution-assessment continuum. comprehensive discussion of the Battle of Leyte Gulf which synthesizes the key aspects of operational art. influence. Accordingly, commander makes decisions based on his judgment, experience, and trust in his subordinate commanders and staff. , The _____ stage of the commander's decision cycle allows the commander and staff to identify where the current situation deviates from the situation in the plan. Releasability: Approved for public release. It involves the sharing of information, updates What key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle, helps ensure shared situational awareness? * communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands, is the key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle helps Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands, is the key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle helps Which two overarching insights clearly delineate their distinctions?, What key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle, helps ensure shared situational awareness?, Which of the following statements about knowledge The statement that best describes why communication is central to the commander's decision cycle is: C. The key aspect of staff integration involves the As a commander, the decisions you make will be far more consequential. Step 1. Seven 5) What serves as an authoritative document(s) that sets the standards for the collection and dissemination of information to support timely informed decisions and maintain shared situational awareness? [objective221] knowledge management plan (KMP) and information management plan (IMP) knowledge management guide (KMG) and information What key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness? communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands . Planning efforts, outside of the three event horizons, are more prone to losing visibility from the Chief of Staff because they are not generally followed and managed through the plans management board (PMB). Battle rhythm supports the commander's decision cycle. What serves as an authoritative document(s) that J6 10) Which statement best describes why communication is central to the Commander's Decision Cycle? It permits adversaries to gain situational awareness and prepare for follow-on missions and actions It helps the Commander and staff understand the environment and support critical decisions and actions It helps ensure shared situational awareness both What key aspect, central to the Commanders Decision Cycle, helps ensure shared situational awareness?* communication, both within the Học Tốt. End of preview. We see the pivotal role of the joint force Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) who, working with subject Airmen armed with clear commander’s intent and shared understanding of an a operation’s purpose and wider operational and strategic context. Network Enabled Operations is defined as an information superiority-enabled concept of operations that generates increased combat power by networking sensors, decision makers and shooters to achieve shared awareness, increased speed of command, higher tempo of operations, greater lethality, increased Which of the following key considerations must be taken into account when planning for deployment operations? and without sustainment inputs to the concept of support, staff estimates, and the assessment process, critical aspects of mission execution will suffer. 12/18/2019. Coordinated progression of events that supports the commanders decision cycle . 01, (U) 2018 Joint Strategic Campaign Plan (JSCP) [short title: JSCP]; or other joint planning directives. 1. In the end, the commander’s decision-making will determine high performance or mediocrity, death, or glory. Let’s discuss the key aspects of this stage: Sources of Input. One tool a commander can use to help reduce this uncertainty is the Commander's Critical Information Requirements (CCIK). , _____ is an authority over assigned or attached forces or The input stage is the first phase of the IPO cycle in computers, where the system receives various forms of commands, data, or instructions. For the commanders, the significance and consequences of decisions are magnified because they influence the lives and livelihoods of others. commanders need to make informed decisions rapidly and accurately, often under intense pressure. A commander's decision and execution cycle has four sequential steps (see Figure 4-2). The _____ function supports an efficient decision making process, enabled by timely intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance. Defense Continuity program Joint Force Commander's Communication tool Nuclear Command and Control system National Military Command system 22) During this activity in the joint intelligence process raw data is converted into forms that can be readily used by commanders, decision makers at all levels, intelligence analysts, and other consumers. 2. View full document. In the midst of this uncertainty, the commander and his staff must build, maintain, and revise their situational understanding in order to anticipate, learn, adapt, and manage effectively. . the operation assessment should be synchronized with the commander’s decision cycle. Q: What key aspect central to the Commander's Decision Cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness? ation–Decision–Execution, the Decision–Action Cycle is essentially the same framework as the OODA Loop. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What are the main sources of authority in planning and conducting a mission? (Select all that apply. The goal of this concept is to improve understanding and effectiveness during Knowledge management (KM) and information management (IM) are two distinct activities that are necessary aspects in today's headquarters decision-making. What key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle, helps ensure shared situational awareness? communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands (correct) What key aspect of the Commanders decision cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness? Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate what key aspect of the Commander's decision cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness? Definition Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, Effective communication is the key aspect of the Commander's Decision Cycle that promotes shared situational awareness. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Knowledge management (KM) and information management (IM) are two distinct activities that are necessary aspects in today's headquarters decision-making. [objective175] monitor. Log in Join. Design is often abbreviated during emerging crises, and commanders may not fully develop their decision making. docx. 3. This article explains the utility of employing the commander-driven “Operations Process” to What key aspect of the Commanders decision cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness? Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands. Of the following, which apply to the "battle for the narrative?" (Select all that apply. The approach to analysis of commander’s decision cycles as well as cybernetic concepts of conducting actions What key aspect of the Commanders decision cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness? Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands. Pages 6. This focus ensures leaders leverage the benefits of the technological solutions in order to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of the environment. ), With regards to the ROEWG, which statement describes the staff function that is led by the J3 or J5?, Which statement best describes why understanding disparate authorities among coalition partners is Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1) Knowledge management (KM) and information management (IM) are two distinct activities that are necessary aspects in today's headquarters decision-making. About Us; Careers; Leadership; The Observe–Orient–Decide–Act (OODA) Loop, a common framework in which military decision making is discussed, is no longer current with modern theories of human cognition. Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands : Term. Command responsibility or hierarchical accountability is a tenet of the Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC). i This Fourth Edition of The Command Senior Enlisted Leader Insights and Best Practices Focus Paper continues to build . Now more than ever, it is critical that military considered as proving an understanding of one portion of the Commander’s decision cycle. observe / decide / act . The decision cycle (see figure) depicts the logical flow of how an operational commander makes decisions. assess plan monitor direct (correct) 7) The joint communications system compel commanders—decision makers—to become effective information managers. (Select all that apply. This article explains the utility of employing the commander-driven “Operations Process” to accomplish Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the case of Haiti, Gen Fraser (USSOUTHCOM Commander), his staff and components had little time to react to the immediate life-saving requirements demanded by the operational environment. Shared Situational Awareness example usage → Army, Navy, Air Force → Fire, ambulance, police services → Local and central government → Maritime agencies → Other national agencies and NGOs Answer is C. Learning about curriculum in general and the essentials of curriculum development may facilitate teachers and future curriculum workers make informed decisions and take part in the field of school The stage of the commanders decision cycle allows the commander and staff to from MMIS MISC at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. , The _____ stage of the commander's Commander’s Decision Cycle (monitor, assess, plan, direct and communicate). Commanders understand that technologies continue to evolve at a pace that is increasingly difficult to keep The statement that best describes why communication is central to the commander's decision cycle is that it enables the smooth transmission of information, effective communication is key to executing orders successfully. Lesson 1: Key Insights and Commander Perspectives Lesson 2: Overarching Insights Lesson 3: Responsibilities Lesson 4: Knowledge Lesson 5: KM and IM Plans The joint decision model is designed to help commanders make effective decisions together. Commanders at every level continue to emphasize the importance of controlling the Navy Planning Process (NPP) in order to produce graduates capable of immediately supporting the commander’s decision cycle at the operational level of warfare in a dynamic and complex environment. Command includes both the authority and responsibility for effectively using available resources to accomplish assigned missions. Company. The first step toward understanding is gathering data. Solutions available. The goal of data management is to assure the adequacy of data for its intended purpose. A battle rhythm integrates all of these decision Information allows the commander's decision-execution cycle to function and gives direction to actions by the force to accomplish their operational missions. Accordingly, he strives to Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands, is the key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness. Data is gathered primarily from our _____ in the form of _____. Roll your mouse over each step in the process diagram to learn more. Hỏi Đáp; Bài Tập; Check Web ; Check Phone; Mã số thuế ; Top List; Hỏi Đáp; Bài Tập; Check Web ; Check Phone ; Mã số thuế ; Top List; What information management activity is normally a theater-level decision. Direct CCIRs are information requirements identified by commanders during the planning phases as being critical to facilitate their key decisions and to secure their desired strategy. This example clearly shows the drastic reduction in the OODA decision cycle offered by the new technologies: the chief detects and is informed as soon as possible by an automatic detection of a suspicious Command and Control • Supports an efficient decision-making process • Combines judgment with information • Requires knowing if to decide, when to decide, and what to decide • Requires timeliness to maintain the initiative over the adversary • Should decentralize decision-making authority appropriately, and should delegate it to those in the best position to make SEJPME 1 Module 13 Test 1) Which of the following choices best summarizes the importance of knowledge management (KM) in the commander's decision-making process? [objective213] Commanders understand the myriad of players and information flows that make up t Branch and sequel planning, at the operational level, results in precise, predictive decision points with associated CCIRs Much of the information precipitating operational commanders' major decisions across all event horizons will likely come off the JOC floor, rather than through other venues. structure for managing the time of the commander and staff. (3) Without the aid of references, functional expertise from across the staff and from stakeholders outside the staff comes together to directly support the commander's decision cycle. plan. MGT STRATEGIC . CIS. (correct) Which of the following terms relates to key times when commanders interact with their staffs? Touch points (correct) The first step in developing a battle rhythm is to: _____ Logically arrange the B2C2WGs around the These organisations are developing a continuous learning posture as a key to keeping informed as the world gets more complex. Which two overarching insights clearly delineate their distinctions? Definition - KM is people-centric. MMIS MISC. What benefit(s) can • Command is the orchestration of people and resources to accomplish an assigned mission and is central to all military action. Command, US Central Command, US European Command, US Pacific Command, and US The mission commander is the "brain" and key decision maker in the C2 process. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Command at all levels is the art of motivating and directing people and organizations into action to accomplish missions. intent is to demonstrate how internal and external activities support the commander’s decision cycle. The method of synthesis and formalized description of the commander's decision cycle of the The approach to analysis of commander’s decision cycles as well as cybernetic concepts of conducting actions in crisis situations, which justifies the methodology of organizing the control processes in the situational control system by forces and means is discussed. * Are the commander's decision cycle touch points identified? Understanding the commander's requirements for touch points--interactions between the commander and staff- A design methodology is central to the problem framing effort. AFMAN33-396 12 AUGUST 2019 5 1. Figure 2-3 shows key aspects of the engineer 6) The _____ stage of the commander's decision cycle is facilitated by the commander's intent; CCIRs also assist the JTF HQ in this role. Approaches For Decisions That Matter Life Cycle Assessment Quantitative Approaches for Decisions That Matter Before diving into the quantitative aspects, let's establish a solid foundation. , delineating staff interface responsibilities and designate LNOs, KM involves people, processes, and technology. This includes making informed choices that minimize harm, adhere to international humanitarian norms, and respect the dignity and rights of all individuals involved in or affected by conflict. 1 U sing the Air Force’s conception of decision advantage as a foundation, this article proposes a firmer connection between decision and execution—the “d” and “e” of The sustainment team best supports the Commander’s decision making process through integration into the command’s battle rhythm across all three event horizons—CUOPs, FUOPs, and FUPLANs. It is therefore up to him to take the decision according to the information at his disposal. "i2 The commander's ultimate goal is to get the right information to reduce uncertainty so he can make effective decisions. Many operations reach beyond the battlefield and encompass a human-based network (that a military-only perspective cannot fully understand, visualize, or influence). IM is information technology-centric. Footnote 25 Given that a commander cannot keep a detailed view of all The stage of the commanders decision cycle is facilitated by the commanders from CTI 2111 It is called Network Centric It is a concept that is central to the transformation of defense and security organizations to The Coordinated progression of events that supports the commanders decision cycle In from CIS MISC at Clackamas Community College. JusticeScorpion25201. Total views 42. The situation—to include the complexity of the problem—guides the commander‘s decision on whether to use design. (correct) Planning efforts, outside of the three event horizons, people and processes enabling the commander’s decision cycle. Commanders inculcate a bias for action and share operational context and their intent to successfully empower subordinates to exercise disciplined initiative. Term. ) b, c, d a) None of the answers are correct b) United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) c) United States Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) d) United States Commanders conduct design to help them with the conceptual aspects of planning to include understanding, visualizing, and describing. [objective176] assess plan direct monitor 6) Component and supporting commands' organizations and capabilities must be integrated into a joint organization that enables effective and efficient joint C2. Shared Situational Awareness example usage → Army, Navy, Air Force → Fire, ambulance, police services → Local and central government → Maritime agencies → Other national agencies and NGOs The commander's decision cycle is a process that depicts how command and staff elements determine required actions, codify them in directives, execute them, and monitor their results. MGT. The collection, processing, and dissemination of relevant information is the key to achieving situational awareness throughout the force, which creates the opportunity for unity of effort toward mission accomplishment. structure for managing the time of better than stove-piped thinking and decisions. During this phase, the commander is able to assess how far they should deviate from their original strategy. Examining real-life examples of ethical command Orientation is the key to the entire decision cycle, because it influences the way a person _____. Q: What key aspect central to the Commander's Decision Cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness? Information allows the commander's decision-execution cycle to function and gives direction to actions by the force to accomplish their operational missions. Pages 43. Disclaimer: The views in this paper are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Joint Staff, the Department of Defense (DOD), or the United States Government (USG). direct. Figure 2. Want to read all 43 pages? Previewing 21 of 43 pages Upload your study docs or become a member. This sharpens the combatant command's focus on what three concurrent operations?, 2) How can joint task force (JTF) headquarters The Commander’s Decision Cycle of the Situational Control System. As they establish shared situational awareness, they can develop a common operating picture. 5) The _____ stage of the Commander's Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like _____ are elements of information that the commander identifies as being critical to timely decision making. Integration of External Sources of Information. , Sweeney, Commanders operate in extremely complex environments that affect how they make decisions and influence outcomes. They recognize the larger challenge of fostering KM and focus on how best to leverage it, rather than precisely controlling the flow of information. What process-centric insight(s) can be drawn for the three critical processes that comprise the larger knowledge management construct? All of the above . The commander's decision cycle has four phases: monitor, assess, plan, and direct. History shows the rapidity of acti on generated by decentralized execution is the surest method to operat e inside the enemy’s decision cycle. Answer Options: C. The approach to analysis of commander's decision cycles as well as cybernetic concepts of conducting actions in crisis situations, which justifies the methodology of organizing the control processes in the situational control system (SCS) by forces and means, is discussed. (correct) Layout the B2C2WG events on a calendar or time schedule. Orientation . AI Chat During this activity in the joint intelligence process raw data is converted into forms that can be readily used by commanders, decision makers at all Central Intelligence Agency. authority Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which statement best describes what is meant by the term "battle for the narrative?", The communication strategy working group (CSWG) is informed by subordinate units and the interagency stakeholders, and supports planning across the current operations, future operations, and future plans event horizons. One of his primary wartime planning process and commander’s decision cycle. 100% (1) module 9 . User-Generated Inputs: These are inputs provided directly by users through devices like keyboards, touchscreens, mice, and voice recognition systems. Coordinated progression of events that supports the commanders decision cycle In order to help support the commanders' decision-making process, the staff must understand the commanders' information needs. , 5) _____ manages all deployed communication systems and serves as control agency for management and operation direction 6) The _____ stage of the commander's decision cycle includes determination of the impact of events as they relate to overall mission accomplishment (C2 and the Joint Task Force, Page 4). Option (3) is correct. 4) The _____ stage of the Commander's decision cycle is facilitated by the Commander's intent; CCIRs also assist the JTF HQ in this role. Emerging crises, such as those experienced in recent humanitarian assistance situations, rarely have an effect on design. LCA is a standardized and context of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with its central role as quantitative and scientifically-based tool supporting society’s transitioning towards a Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The first step toward understanding is gathering data. Assessment is a key component of the commander’s decision cycle, helping to determine the results of tactical actions in the context of overall mission objectives and providing potential recommendations for the refinement of future plans. Total views 100+ Clackamas Community College. This is most notably true for what kind of operations? defense support of civil authorities (DSCA) operations. Given the potential for the radical impact of emerging technologies on previous limits to the planning, decision, and execution cycles, this article--an outgrowth of Air University's 2020 JADC2 conference--examines the concept of decision advantage through Are we properly preparing the incident commanders on the fire ground? Here’s a quick guide to key aspects of fireground command and control: 1 _Designating a command post where the decisions are made and everything in the operation is coordinated. U. Eligibility • The course is for Navy chiefs and officers, O1 -O5, en route to a MOC or operational-level maritime staff. Joint military justice authority can be delegated in whole, in part, or on a case-by-case basis. Identified Q&As 52. Which two overarching insights clearly delineate their distinctions?, 2) What process-centric insight(s) can be drawn from the three critical processes Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The first step toward understanding is gathering data. Assessment recommendations should facilitate the commander’s decision making and consider what kinds of decisions the commander will have to make in order to achieve objectives and attain the end state. Identified Q&As 100+ Solutions available. e. The bottom line is the authority inherent in command provides the foundation for control. 5/17/2020. As part of this process, commanders and decision makers may need further support, skills and resources so they can assess and interpret the information they receive appropriately, before it The [_____] stage of the commander's decision cycle allows the commander and staff to identify where the current situation deviates from the situation in the plan. Organizing for Operation Assessment Operation assessment requires integration and feedback THE COMMANDER’S DECISION 33 By the end of planning 33 Scheme of manoeuvre 34 During execution 36 LOAC IN MILITARY OPERATIONS ORDERS 37 Situation 37 Mission 41 Execution 41 Logistics 48 Command and signal 51. As - can quickly translate the commander's guidance and intent- has a battle rhythm that complements the Commander's Decision Cycle. The creative Orientation is the key to the entire decision cycle, because it influences the way a person _____. Legal and subject matter expertise within staff planning and the Commander's Decision Cycle fosters _____. Battle Rhythm provide. Maritime Operational Planners of the next higher level in the command hierarchy. Hỏi lúc: 2 The statement best describes why communication is central to the commander's decision cycle is: It helps the commander gather relevant information and maintain situational awareness. It is focused on structuring data, making data visible, accessible, understandable, linked, trusted, and providing the capability to data mine, or query data to extract information and What key aspect of the Commanders decision cycle helps ensure shared situational from CIS MISC at Clackamas Community College. docx - 1 is the nontransferable command that Pages 4. The model was created by identifying correspondences between JSTAFF Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the case of Haiti, Gen Fraser (USSOUTHCOM Commander), his staff and components had little time to react to the immediate life-saving requirements demanded by the The Commander's Decision Cycle doesn't always drive interorganizational operations. Coordinated progression of events that supports the. For The brigade commander plays the central role in the process, with the staff providing advice and information related to its respective areas. MMIS. Decision cycles of current operations, future operations, and future plans occur at different speeds based on their respective event horizon. This Key aspects of the Maritime Headquarters (MHQ) / Maritime Operations Center (MOC) include Battle Rhythm (BR) and Cross-Functional Teams (CFT). Definition. module 9 . the headquarters The _____ stage of the commander's decision cycle includes determination of the impact of events as they relate to overall mission accomplishment (C2 and the Joint Task Force, Page 4). Communication plays a central role in the commander's decision cycle by facilitating the gathering of relevant information and maintaining situational Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following choices best summarizes the importance of knowledge management (KM) in the commander's decision-making process? --Commanders at every 8) What key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle, helps ensure shared situational awareness? [objective220] execution of the seven-minute drill to determine working group events participation in working groups and physical meetings communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands C2 is a continuous, cyclical process by which a commander makes decisions and exercises authority over his forces to accomplish an assigned mission. The sustainment team integrates capabilities with operations and commander’s decision cycle activities (i. Maritime . As part of this process, commanders and decision makers may need further support, skills and resources so they can assess and interpret the information they receive appropriately, before it influences the decisions they make. remain key to effective Joint all- domain command and control, planners and strategists must be educated regarding the doctrinal nuances of these critical concepts. For this reason, they dedicate a significant amount of resources on harnessing new technologies and processes. What critical role can health service support (HSS) play in shaping the future commander makes decisions based on his judgment, experience, and trust in his subordinate commanders and staff. They In this article, I explore how contemporary military commanders understand command in the context of standardised planning processes, doctrine, and a supporting staff organiation. Battle Rhythm: Definition-Provides the structure for managing the time of the Commander and the staff -Coordinated progression of events that supports the MOD 13 Which statement best describes why communication is central to the Commander's Decision Cycle? It helps ensure shared situational awareness both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and Which statement best describes why communication is central to the Commander's Decision Cycle? It helps the Commander and staff understand the environment and support critical decisions and actions It helps ensure shared situational awareness both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands It allows for B2C2WGs What key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle, helps ensure shared situational awareness? Click the card to flip. They are active participants in the design and planning process and within the commander’s decision cycle. Many aspects of an organization's daily processes cannot be discovered in a document or database, but only by observing processes, talking to participants, and even taking part in them. ) In Central Asia, the commander increasingly instills an intelligence-driven operational mindset in _____. A critical aspect of informing the Commander’s decision cycle is the ability to help the commander and the staff visualize the sustainment picture. The military commander is the decision-maker for military action. As time passed, the design was refined through which of the following action(s)? (Select all that apply), "Co-creation of right decision makers at the right time, whether through an easy-to-use HMI in the command centre, via voice communication, or through a mobile client. 11 The commander's intuition and perception of the situation play an integral part in the decision-making process to deal with ill-structured and uncertain information environments. focus on the enemy or adversary and the operational environment and drive from SEJPME II at Naval War College Commanders have a continuous reliance on the processes and technological solutions to gain situational undersganding. Commanders operate in extremely complex environments that affect how they make decisions and influence outcomes. What effects can occur when commanders retain tactical level decision oriented from MGT STRATEGIC at National University. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Want to read all 43 There are no dangers posed by planning efforts outside of the three event horizons. Which of the following are benefits of a neutral friendly nation has expressed interest in improving its national security and defense relationship with the US. command and horizontally across mission partners is key to the successful execution of mission command. Logically arrange the B2C2WGs around the Commander's decision cycle. , In a well-trained force, imbued with initiative, the lower we can push the decision-making threshold, the swifter our decision and execution cycle will become, A key tenet of naval The key aspect of the Commanders decision cycle that helps ensure shared situational awareness is effective communication among all participants, which facilitates the exchange of information and understanding of the operational environment. View full has a battle rhythm that complements the Commander's Decision Cycle (correct) can quickly translate the commander's guidance and intent (correct) knows how the commander best receives information (correct) 32) Which statement best describes what is meant by the term "battle for the narrative?" struggle to be first to control the messages that only the adversaries immediately supporting the commander’s decision cycle at the operational level of warfare in a dynamic and complex environment. 100% (8) View full Maritime forces conduct operations in environments characterized by complexity and uncertainty. What is a good starting point to focus the staff and its limited Which statement best describes why communication is central to the Commander's Decision Cycle? It helps ensure shared situational awareness both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands . These multiple decision loops are assumed to proceed simultaneously and interactively, such that performing the decision cycle at a given level depends on the performance of decision cycles below and, in turn, constrains the performance of the decision cycle above (Sweeney, 2002). Assess. Decision making means anticipating events and understanding actions that will be put into motion once a decision is made. It enables commander's right decision makers at the right time, whether through an easy-to-use HMI in the command centre, via voice communication, or through a mobile client. Total views 100+ National University. CIS MISC. It begins with gathering information on the enemy, friendly forces, and the theater environment. What key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle, helps ensure shared situational awareness? Nội dung chính Show Which statement best describes why communication is central to the commanders? Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands, is the key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness. The _____ stage of the commander's decision cycle is facilitated by the commander's intent; CCIRs also assist the JTF HQ in this role (C2 and the Joint Task Force, Page 4). • Command is an individual and personal function. This course examines both the art and science associated with military activities across the range of synthesizes the key aspects of operational art. Assessments provide the commander with the current state of the operational environment, the Short decision processes and quick decisions necessitate endowing commanders with freedom, but they still need coordination to deliver the effect. The following section provides background information and some suggested methods to support decision making. Which two overarching insights clearly delineate their distinctions?, What process-centric insight(s) can be drawn from the three critical processes The supported CCDR has primary responsibility for all aspects of a task assigned by the CPG; CJCS Instruction 3110. Commanders drive a commander-centric mentality to operations centered on providing At one time, it was standard practice to categorise analysis of decision making simply as either Normative (based on axioms of rational behaviour aiming to describe how individuals should make decisions between alternatives), Descriptive (concerned with what individuals and groups of decision makers actually do in practice) or Prescriptive (concerned to The central theme of this document is the concept of Globally Integrated Logistics (GIL) as a major underpinning of Globally Integrated Operations 5 Informing the Commander’s Decision Cycle. Another key aspect of movement and maneuver is that it includes the movement or deployment of forces into a joint operational area Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1) As a crisis emerges within the combatant command's areas of responsibility, the deliberate planning conducted in anticipation of the crisis is adapted to the situation. These advisors attend battle The commander's decision cycle operates as a continuous, closed loop. which incorporates important aspects of human cognition. The CMM Focus efforts supporting the objectives and disseminate positive information in an appropriate and timely manner to the joint force commander's staff and components Propose PIR updates for approval by the J3, Operations Director Continuously review and update Friendly Force Information Requirements (FFIR) Continuously review the PIRs with respect to the adversary Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The KMP design should be agile and flexible to keep pace with the rapidly changing information sharing environment as directed by the commander and Chief of Staff. (C2 and the Joint Task Force, Page 4) [objective9] [Remediation Accessed :N] MILITARY 101 SEJPME EXAM – QUESTION AND ANSWERS 1) The Missile Defense Agency (MDA) works with the combatant commanders (CCDRs) of the _____. . See AI answer. Decentralized execution promotes effectiveness 9) The _____ stage of the commander's decision cycle is where the commander and staff make adjustments to the current plan or develop new plans with the purpose of successful completion of the broader mission. The art of command lies in conscious and skillful exercise of command authority through visualization, decision making, and leadership. _Locating the identification of all the personnel in the fireground so that their safety and the management of resources will be _____ is the key to the entire decision and execution cycle. The JC-HAMO recognizes the centrality of human will in war and provides a framework that integrates with the Commander’s Decision Cycle, enabling the Joint Force to . What key aspect of the commanders decision cycle. garciad87. , Design and Plan, Direct, Monitor, and dialogue are key attributes of successful commanders and headquarters. Understanding decision making during emergencies: a key contributor to resilience Abstract The resilience of systems derives from many inputs, relating both to design and to operational the infrastructure system itself is central, but important also are the operating procedures in for recording command decisions and the rationale behind them’ (NPIA, 2009). Two headquarter elements will work simultaneously to better support the Chief of BUMED and Navy Medicine mission. Commander. These advisors attend battle rhythm events, work as part of operational planning teams, assist in reviewing and drafting orders and plans, and Finding the right advisors to inject this knowledge early in the planning effort is a key challenge. The initial academic sessions culminate in a . The commander's intuition is key to knowing exactly what information is required to make timely, sound, and accurate decisions. observes, decides, and acts In a well-trained force that exercises initiative, the lower its decision-making threshold, the more rapid its decision and execution cycle will become. Communication helps the commander gather relevant In order to help support the commanders' decision-making process, the staff must understand the commanders' information needs. Recall the decision commanders make weighing the benefits and consequences of stationing elements forward in the theater or relying on reachback capabilities. What effects can occur when commanders retain. "[5] This process incorporates intelligence analysis, information gathering, strategic guidance synthesis, and cross-functional integration to define the decision space. S. Defense Commanders leverage data to support decision-making, the activity defined as "the cognitive process leading to the selection of a course of action among alternatives. Doctrine has a consistent emphasis on the commander‘s role to lead 5) The _____ stage of the commander's decision cycle includes determination of the impact of events as they relate to overall mission accomplishment. What is a good starting point to focus the staff and its limited What key aspect of the Commanders decision cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness? Communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands. g. Knowledge management (KM) and information management (IM) are two distinct activities that are necessary aspects in today's headquarters What key aspect of the Commander's decision cycle helps ensure shared SA? communication, both within the HQ and with higher, adjacent and subordinate commands. Commanders understand that technologies continue to evolve at a pace that is increasingly difficult to keep up with. First, the commander is the central element in the entire process of C2. , In a well-trained force, imbued with initiative, the lower we can push the decision-making threshold, the swifter our decision and execution cycle will become, A key tenet of naval After the commander derives his understanding (orientation) of the battlespace, his next step is to _____ on a course of action and develop a plan. Network enabled operations. Some branch and sequel planning at the operational level may not Command and control is central to all service conceptions of multidomain or all-domain operations. AI Chat with PDF. communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands (correct) 8) What key aspect, central to the Commander's Decision Cycle, helps ensure shared situational awareness? [objective220] execution of the seven-minute drill to determine working group events participation in working groups and physical meetings communication, both within the headquarters and with higher, adjacent, and subordinate commands Battle Rhythm provide 1. a range of relevant actors. 1. 2. Although the decision and execution cycle is focused on the operational commander, all phases of the cycle are active at each echelon of command. sensors / raw signals . Expert Help. It is only through studying and relating multiple models that a true appreciation of the complex environment can Which statement best describes a key goal of the ROE Working Group? To proactively develop ROE and respond to requests for additional ROE measures. Orientation is the key to our entire decision cycle, because it influences the way we _____, _____, and _____. - Commander's critical information requirements (CCIR) Term. 6 Decisions in battle command demand more art than science. The OODA Loop is considered an organizational framework (e. 7) The _____ stage of the Coordinated progression of events that supports the commanders decision cycle In from CIS MISC at Clackamas Community College. The remainder of the course builds extensively upon these foundational aspects. and Central to these responsibilities is the necessity to safeguard the lives and rights of both soldiers and non-combatants. Due to the severe time constraints involved with emerging crises, design is often pushed aside, and planning becomes the main focus. comprehensive discussion of the Battle of commander and the staff. Seven what key aspect of the Commander's decision cycle helps ensure shared situational awareness? Definition. Study Resources. strategic agility The joint communications system includes rapid information sharing around the globe, which permits simultaneous, interactive planning. qtuokdzkxgubneoilnadpllbcnddenturdqcjllxwffflkj